Tuesday, March 29, 2011

dreamy :P

this morning i had a dream where i was holding hands with Brad Pitt :D i still have no idea what i was doing there, but still. the weird part is that after that i was getting a milkshake from McDonald's, and i couldn't hold it right :/
i was looking at my new year's post, and man i felt like a bitch. like, really, i just said the same old spiel that everyone says when they know they can't keep a resolution themselves. while it is true that most people are like "i wanna lose weight!" and they can't, it's not like i'm any better for calling them out on it.
random crap: you know that whole "if a tree falls in the woods..." thing? who came up with that? i was thinking about it yesterday, and it doesn't work that way. it's not like emotions, where you can't have joy with out pain and stuff like that. the tree makes a sound whether you can hear it or not. it's the same way if you put a bunch of people in space to hear an explosion, they aren't gonna hear it. and how can there be no one around to hear it? no animals? none? where is this tree?
overall enthusiasm, yeeeeeee haaaaaaaaw :P

Thursday, March 10, 2011

baby names

so, I had an interesting dream last night, and i actually remember what it was about. me and my sister were in this mall (I've had dreams about if before) and I was pregnant. we were looking for something, but I can' remember what... anyway, for some reason there was a dog sitting place in the middle of the mall, and while one of the dogs was just laying there, there was another dog that was kind of scary. I think it tried to bite me. on twitter, I asked my friend Veronica what it meant, and she said it means I have an idea that needs to get out. I'm just gonna take her word for it.
that dream got me thinking about baby names. I'm not the kind of person who likes to think to far into the future, but when I see pretty names, I do take note of them. the thing about it is that I only have a few names that like, and they're all girl names. what if I have a boy?
for some reason, I have this weird idea that if you name a kid after a character or a famous person, they'll end up just like that person. like, if you name your son after Kevin Jonas, he'll be a good singer and a kick-ass guitarist, but I'd you name him after Kevin Flynn, he'll be an extraordinary nerd. I don't know why I think this, but that's how if is, and it's really hindering my search for the name of my future-maybe son. I mean, Jason, Fredrick, Michael, and Thomas are already off the list, on the off chance these names might cause him to be a psychopath. on the other hand, with girl names, I don't have this problem. There's no "should we name her after Natalie Portman?" stuff. It's just Madeliene, Madison, Martina, DONE. there's also the problem of making sure my kid won't get picked on in school. that kinda rules out some book names, especially Harry Potter names. I'm also staying away from foreign names as first names, because, you know, if my kid has a Japanese name, they're expecting at least one Japanese parent or grandparent. chances are that my husband or baby daddy or whatever will probably be white (biracial baby ftw?), so I'm not naming my son Carlos. in short, it's hard to name a baby. good thing I have time to figure this out.