Saturday, May 28, 2011


i've been gone for so long because i've had nothing, nothing, to report. so a list for you all:

- had a birthday party
- finally bought something from forever 21
-got the inception app (more on that)
- came to my dad's house
- i've been reblogging for weeks now
- went out to dinner for my aunt's birthday
- inception levels between medium and high

the inception app: oh wow. that thing is crazy. i didn't think it would work because of my headphones, but it works. IT WORKS. and it's super awesome. i'm still trying to a few more dreams and then i'll have most of them (can't unlock the africa dream. i think you can guess why).

see? for being gone for two weeks i've got nothing to report.

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: lifetime movies
chapter: POA chapter 1, Owl Post (i skipped a bit)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

oh bother

let me tell you about something that drives me a little crazy: nounception

nounception isn't a noun within a noun. it's when something is within the same thing and then they call it (insert noun here)ception. like if someone bakes cookies with cookies inside them, someone else might call it cookieception.

if you read my post yesterday, you'll know that inception is NOT a dream within a dream. for some reason, people just won't get it and aaaaaaaaaaah.

so yeah. i'm gonna stop now

mood: muh
listening to: wheezy waiter

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

just a question

so i asked this question on tumblr today:

if inception is a dream within a dream, then what's all the bullshit they do in the dream?

and i really want to know what the people are gonna say. the reason i ask is because of this:

say inception did mean a dream within a dream. in the first 15 minutes of the movie, Cobb proves to Saito that he can do a dream within a dream successfully. why, then, would Saito ask him if inception is possible? that makes no sense.

well, enough of that. now on to the more mundane things:
- went to my dad's house
- saw Thor and Jumping the Broom
- got three fillings
- had a lucid dream, even though i didn't control anything. more on that below.

things i didn't do:
- didn't finish inception
- didn't finish harry potter

the dream: i fell asleep during GHI and i could hear the tv, and i could feel myself going into deeper sleep. i didn't want to have a creepy dream, so i told myself to think of Tom Hardy, and then to think of JGL. both didn't work, so it was just black. worth a try though.

mood: swollen
listening to: wheezy waiter
chapter: SS, chapter 10: halloween

evening updates:
- finished inception
- watching Jurassic Park... maybe. it's on tv, but i might exercise...
- maybe exercise... probably

Thursday, May 12, 2011

insert title here

things i did:

- watched 100 scariest movie moments 100-39(?)
- watched NSA up to part 4

- watched NSA part 4 to 8, extended interviews
- watched 100 scariest movie moments 30-3
- started watching lego hanky potter
- watched another 1/2 hour of inception. got scared a few times, laughed a bit too.
- inception levels medium despite the above

- mom didn't go to work, so were gonna do some stuff... don't know what yet.
- more lego hanky potter, this time with the katherine :D
- inception levels medium low

things i didn't do:
- finish batman begins
- watch community channel (gasp!)
- give up on my diet
- read more Harry Potter, which i really need to do

and that's what i've done since my last post :)

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: wheezy waiter

Monday, May 9, 2011


things i did:
- went to church for mother's day
- reblogged until 11 at night
- inception levels medium

- slept in til 8:30
- ate apple
- am on a diet of not eating outside of meals. i'm gonna be drinking a lot of water, because i don't know how to not eat... i hate being a teenager sometimes, because i eat when i'm bored.
- said i was gonna watch inception today, but i think i'm gonna end up watching something else, like a certain movie i'm supposed to finish.
- inception levels medium low

mood: bleh
listening to: the Colbert Report

Saturday, May 7, 2011


oh hey. things i did:
- went to a flea market thing at my sister's dad's school and bought a bracelet :D
- went to eat with mom
- slept on the couch
- ate a Popsicle at 9 in the morning
- reblog, reblog
- marathoning lesliefoundhergrail videos
- i'm going out. don't know what i'm going just yet.

inception levels low yesterday and today. what is going on? i think there's some sort of strange cycle... does that mean that in a few weeks i'll be thinking about it all the time again?...

that's all. weird how over two days i've done nothing... i think i'll have a bit more to talk about tomorrow.

mood: happy
listening to: lesliefoundhergrail

Thursday, May 5, 2011


hey guys. things i did

- went to the inversand with some geology peeps. since i didn't have a project, i jsut wandered around in the pit looking for some macro fossils. didn't find any, but i got some new rocks.
- started watching Batman Begins after putting it off for at least 2-3 weeks. i'm probably gonna finish it tomorrow. it's good so far, but i liked Maggie Gyllenhaal better as Rachel.
- had another dream with JGL in it. i don't remember much because i couldn't write this earlier, but there were raptors and what not.
- inception levels low. it feels weird that now i don't think about inception outside of reblogging and telling ya'll my inception levels.

that's all for today.

mood- generally happy
listening to- wheezy waiter

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

old youtube for yo ass!

so i keep hearing about all these people complaining about youtube saying they want old youtube back, and i watched hayley's pointless vlog last night, so i'm gonna give ya'll some old youtube, ginny style >:D

i just got into vloggers and what not last summer, so my old youtube experience is old doll movies! you that's right, grainy picture, showing hands, and profanity! here's some links:

Funny Bratz and Barbies part 1. check out part 2 also!

everything by calliz11.

have fun with those!

in other news:
- started cleaning out my other closet because i have way more clothes than i actually wear.
- inception levels still low. this is surprising...
- i found a well photoshopped pic of JGL and Tom Hardy on tumblr... this slash is starting to get to me.
- i'm probably gonna eat grilled cheese

that's all for today. now i'm gonna go back to trolling Jeff Bridges's website :D

mood: i don't really know
listening to: nerimon, word world
book: SS, chapter 9

p.s.: had a dream about inception, can't remember one part of it. fuck me.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


hey guys. just a list:
- took my pre-calc exam. i'm pretty sure i failed, but i've already signed up for pre-calc again.
- reblog, reblog.
- i came home and put a bunch of stuff. you'd think that'd be good, but i'm NOT DONE O_O
- after all of that, i finally got to sit down and read the first 3 chapters of Sorcerer's Stone.
- didn't do anything today. i haven't even eaten yet.

other news:
- i marathoned someone other than community channel
- inception levels still low
- i need a new bookshelf. mine isn't big enough.

that's all for today. i'll you all when something happens...

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: Shutter Island audio review, spongebob

Sunday, May 1, 2011

i didn't think i'd be here today, but

here i am.
and it's not like i'm doing anything interesting. i ate, then came back to my room to spend 2 hours on tumblr while simultaneously watching some of my old videos. nothing special, unless you find it spectacular that i'm not watching communitychannel. but anyway, the really old ones are really bad (as you can guess), with most of them having my sister talking in the background, sometimes even talking to me. they do get points for being so bad they're funny though.

but yeah. inception levels are spectacularly low today, don't know why.

mood: indifferent
listening to: MLaD episode 3: The Party (the best episode from the first half of season one)