Saturday, December 31, 2011


so this is more of an update, which is very underwhelming when you consider my new years post from last year. (it's also considerably less bitchy but wutevs)

  • i finished the GoF game
  • i started bratz the movie game
  • i bought epic mickey and HBP
  • i may be attempting to stay up all night tonight
so that's it. sorry for my boring

listening to: communitychannel
chapter: OoTP, 20 or 21 (still not sure, but i finished a chapter last night)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

so um...

i've been gone for a while and it hasn't been all that exciting. so, a list!

  • i moved home and transferred schools.
  • i've started playing pokemon again
  • i'm playing three different HP games (i'm almost finished GoF)
  • i'm currently at my dad's house for christmas
i don't have anything exciting planned for this break. the closest i'm coming is maybe watching the dark knight and inception on new years. but that's all for now. i'm gonna go back to reading blogging twilight instead of rereading the book myself.

mood: heh
listening to: miscellaneous christmas music
chapter: OoTP, 19 or 20 (i don't remmeber, sorz)