Wednesday, September 26, 2012


do you know that i started modern warfare 3? like, for real this time. but i got to level 6? or so and i stopped because i didn't like the way it was making me feel. like, i love call of duty a lot, but it has a tendency to make me feel miserable. and not just during the game, after it ends too.

okay here's a comparison: deathly hallows part 2 makes me miserable. like i actually cry and all the works. BUT!! it has an ending that makes me really happy, so it's okay. of the four call of duty games i've seen, three of the leave me worse off then i started, and one didn't really make me feel anything (the first modern warfare). black ops is the worst offender, but that's because i'm so attached to the main character.

but yeah i still haven't finished it, and i thing i might abandon it for a game that makes me less sad, like silent hill

mood: okay
listening to: joseph birdsong