Friday, May 9, 2014

update 5/9/14

hello! so i haven't finished anything since my last post i still feel like i've accomplished some things.

mainstream au stuff first (if you wanna browse through the posts at your leisure you can go here.)

  • i haven't worked on thg story in a while but that's because i've been working on a lot of other stuff. going by the way i told myself that i was gonna work on all my stuff i'm technically not supposed to worry about that for a really long time anyway so
  • i haven't talked about my batman stuff here since i'd said that i had started over. i had made up my own arkham asylum story and stuff, but i have since realized that i'm gonna have to do some other stuff before i get to that, which means i'm writing a year one story and then something after and then the arkham asylum story. (here)
  • along with that, some stuff about the batman character and how i plan on writing him when i finally get to it. (basically it's me being scared that i'm not portraying the mental space correctly) (here, here, and here.)
  • i've been doing a lot of talking about stuff pertaining to captain america and the war stories i have in my au (something i've never brought up here, i think) and i think i might have finally parsed that out (finally!) (there are a lot of posts about this and related things in the tag but ones actually about the story are hereherehereherehere, and here.) 
  • i made up yet another new story, but this is really interesting b/c southern gothic x-men. come on guys. (here, 2 and 3 on thisherehere, herehere, and here.)
  • i did some talking about spiderman in my au and how things are gonna go in spiderman 2, specifically, now that that movie is out. there are spoilers in some of these links, so be careful (here, here,and here.)
  • prophs. oh, prophs. so with that, i've actually managed to write a whole new outline, which was much more in depth and actually listed what i need to cover in each chapter so i'm not just blindly stumbling around based off of a couple of descriptive words. i even managed to write another chapter. (posts about some cultural stuff here, here, and here, and some character stuff here.)
  • i posted the prologue for the first potc story a while ago and never put a link here so you can read that here. sorry about that!
okay, now stuff in other aus:
  • darkvengers: i went to my dad's house over easter and suddenly decided that i'd work on editing darkvengers, and man i got a lot of stuff done! i edited all the way to where i'd stopped at before (which is the attack on the helicarrier) and things are much more dynamic now. there's a lot of new meta in the tag, and you can read the prologue of the avengers here.
  • coven and children of the night: i'm about four chapters into cotn!man of steel including the prologue (which you can read here). i'm incorporating arrow into this side of things and wrote some meta about laurel and oliver. coven, on the other hand, has a whole lot of meta and no writing done. i did manage to redo the graphics i had made when i started this au, and they're pretty slick (especially pepper's). links to important meta here: magic system re: witches, maya, skye (1)(2), loki, brief winter soldier talk(!), and grant and his coven. (spoiler warning on the second skye post and the grant post)
  • lego story: i also did some heavy editing on lego story. i expanded the first chapter (which you can read here), and rewrote the last half of the second chapter. i'm still working on the third but i'll get there.
  • red right hand: this one is brand new! there was a post that came across my dash and got me thinking; a month later it became full fledged Thing that i'd made multiple posts for. there's no actual prose but there's so much meta in the tag that i've almost written out the full story. (it's best to read that tag from back to front so there's some semblance of order.)
and that's what i've been up to. you can tell the school year was winding down because i actually did stuff. see you next time friends.