Sunday, October 26, 2014


so um... i was just thinking about it, and i realized that i've sort of rendered this blog obsolete a while ago. mostly because i spend more time in other places, and anything i put on here you can pretty much find by following me somewhere else. so, i'm gonna retire this blog. the other blog (which is gonna go through a little rebranding today) is going to stick around, so don't worry if you're here for the game reviews and stuff like that. you can find me on tumblr and twitter if you want to continue keeping up with me.

i'm not going to delete this blog, for nostalgia purposes, but this is most likely going to be the last formal post. it's been good.

Friday, October 17, 2014


coming to you live from my dad's house with an update.

so, very quickly, phase one of coven has been posted, and so has it's playlist. also i finished darkvengers but that's not gonna be posted for a little while so it's w/e.

on to stuff. i started school last week and i only have one class that's online, so i've been doing close to nothing for the last month or so. i have had sooooo much free time that i've been able to finish so many things that i was sure i wouldn't get done before the end of the month. that being said though i haven't been doing much. i've started exercising a little bit because i swear i could feel my legs atrophying from sitting around so much. in terms of movies i bought and watched godzilla and captain america: the winter soldier, and i also FINALLY got around to finally watching the ring, which was one of two movies i'd said i wanted to watch over the summer (i have yet to watch the wolf man).

um... that's pretty much it. next month is nano, for which i'll be writing the fall (the next story in my mainstream universe). this is the first time i haven't been in the middle of a main project so i kind of feel like i'm drifting aimlessly until then. hope you guys have a nice halloween.