Saturday, January 8, 2011

Anya Marina, quit your yabberin'

is what i said to my ipod as i was getting up this morning.
i haven't posted in a long time, and i've just noticed that this is the first blog of the new year (confetti, horn noise, party hat). i feel... behind. let's see what i've done while i've been gone

  • had an amazing christmas: i got everything i wanted (graphics tablet, ipod touch, camera) and more (wolfy hat!)
  • amazing new years: i watched Shutter Island, Se7en, and three ANOES movies all in one day. best new year's ever.
  • kept a "promise" to myself: i've been saying shall at least once a day :D
  • Nancy Drew: yes, i'm addicted. i need to get uncreeped! (still reeling form the growling on the moor incident)
  • did shows: i filmed MLaD in time for break. i still need to upload the last episode.
  • did vlogs: i did two as soon as i came home from break, but after that i didn't do ANYTHING until thursday (1/6) when i decided to make a short film.
  • made predictions: no, i'm not psychic. the predictions were on the fate of some horror films and sequels this year. it doesn't look too bright, but the light is there
  • wondered what the first ANOES is a metaphor for: there might be another blog on that.
  • started a tumblr: like i need another blog. it's just for my version of post secret

i think that's everything.

one thing i've been wondering about lately is the point of the new year's resolution. it just seems like an excuse to make a promise you can't keep, so you can brag about it to your friends. not that there are people that actually do keep their resolutions, but there are soooo many people that say 'yeah, i'm gonna give up sweets and drop that ten pounds!' but by Martin Luther King Day, they're back minching on snickers. that's why i set attainable goals. my new year's resolution was to buy more movies, and i bought one on NYD. resolution complete. maybe i'm being cynical, but yeah.


it's consecration month now, and this week is the first fast. that means no carbonated or caffinated beverages, no read meat, no nicotine, and no cursing music. for me it means "do what you always do, but no root beer with the popcorn." i've been deprived of Ke$ha,Lady Gaga, and rap all week, but i still have Daft Punk, and J-Pop, so i'm good in that area. i'm not sure what next week's fast is yet.


i want to start the annual Harry Potter read through soon, but i have to wait til January is over. i'm thinking that it might have to wait til May, but i don't wanna push it back that far, because the end of the HP read through signals the beginning of the Gerogia Nicholson read through and i might have to get a job this summer. it's times like this when i wish for the simplicity of high school, because i just read during class back then.


that's all i have to say today. i shall see you... when stuff happens.

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