Thursday, August 25, 2011

another week without internet

this was written last night, before internet came back
As you can see, I haven’t made a blog post in a while. But I also haven’t had the internet for a week, so I’ve been thinking about a few things. Mostly things like pottermore, how Voldemort is nothing like Sauron, and how I’m upset with everyone who uses Leatherface and stupid in the same sentence. But here’s a list of things I’ve done:

-I finally finished imagine fashion designer. This was the first time I’d actually tried playing the game in adventure mode, and I was pleasantly surprised (when I wasn’t being generally annoyed). It turns out that instead of just doing a lot of fashion work and trying to get to the top, I also had to uncover a gigantic underground animal trafficking scheme with the help of only two other people and a dog. In the end the company fired the lady behind it all and I married that guy who used to hate me. Yay.
-I went back to twitter in the absence of tumblr. It brought back memories of when I used to be on twitter a whole bunch (i.e. last fall) quite fun.
-I played bratz some more. For those of you out of the loop, which is probably all of you, I finished bratz forever diamondz and bratz rock angelz a few months ago. After getting my Nintendo gamecube stuff back after not having it for a week, I decided to start playing it again. I’m already on the 3rd issue of the magazine, leading up to the final show.
-I read one more chapter of Harry Potter. Yes, I know it’s been almost three months, but I usually read while waiting for the nightly tag story, and I’ve been going to sleep earlier. I know those aren’t the best excuses, but that’s what happened.
-I went to my uncle’s house for the weekend; because that’s something my family likes to do. I got to see Watchmen and I watched The Dark Knight for the second time in two weeks.
-I didn’t finish batman begins. Bet you didn’t see that coming.

About pottermore: I’ve been thinking about it, and I might delete my account. I don’t want to be one of those people who deletes their account because they didn’t get the house they wanted, so I think I’d be better to delete it before I get sorted, or get in at all. I know it seems dumb, but I like being a ravenclaw. Plus, my mom spent almost 40 dollars on a ravenclaw scarf from the WWoHP for me.

I had two dreams that I can remember, both are kinda weird. The first one had someone I follow on tumblr on it, but I don’t really want to talk about it. The second one had a ravenclaw notebook that said it was ‘the book of your ravenclaw dreams’, to which I responded ‘I don’t have ravenclaw dreams,’ which is now a lie.
That’s pretty much all I’ve done. I can’t wait for the internet to be back, because I can’t even imagine the amount of youtube videos I’ve missed.
Mood: in-diff-er-ent
Listening to- nick jr.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

all my lies

back today to tell you about this:

that moment when you're actually tempted to show people pics of Tom Hardy and say he's your bf

i'v actually considered doing this before with a different person, but i've never been this close to doing it. this is the state of my life.

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: tabre's assorted singing

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

doodle doo

i know i have neglected my blogging duties for this month, but to be honest, ire ally don't have much to write since i'm out of school. i'm currently spending some quality time at my dad's, and i've been hanging out at my aunt's house with my sister for her babysitting job. good fun. besides that, and working on story stuff, i haven't been up to much.

so um, here's a pottermore survey i got from hayley (sorry there's no segway):

What's your Pottermore username? FlooQueen161
What House do you think it sounds like? doesn't sound like any particular house actually.
What House do you want to be in? i want to be in ravenclaw, but i won't be too upset if i get something else. unless it's slytherin, i don't want slytherin.
Does your username relate to you at all? not one bit.
What kind of wand would you wish to get? i want something pretty. i wish i could get one that has flowers carved on it with the petals tinted, but i doubt they make wands like that.
Are you pure, half-blooded or Muggle born? i'm a half-blood. my mom's a squib and my dad's a muggle-born (weird, i know)
Which day did you get into Pottermore? the last day.
What shape is your Patronus? um, some type of dinosaur. not sure which species
What does your boggart look like? a zombie. no specific person, just a gory, gnarly zombie. ugh.
Would you rather be an Animagus or a Matamorphmagus either one would be nice.
If you were an Animagus, what animal would you be? maybe a jaguar, or a leopard.

and there's that. i'm actually surprised that people aren't upset with me. a lot of people stayed up until the most ungodly hours of the morning to get in, while i just happened to see the clue, thought 'why not?' and waltzed on in the middle of the afternoon.

but yeah. and once again, i apologise for my boring.

mood: muh
listening to- food being made
chapter- same as last time, because i didn't bring the flipping book!

Friday, August 5, 2011

i'm back again

i know i wrote a post for today, but i need to talk about some story things.

so i was thinking about how ridiculous it is that i need to 'make it up' to myself for not being able to make a story i want to do. i was mostly thinking about how i put two new characters in inception because i couldn't do the departed. because of my habit of having story ideas and then dumping them and keeping the characters, i had a character that looked like Mark Whalberg, so i made one that looks like Matt Damon and went on with it. it wasn't until now that i noticed how weird that is, but then i noticed that i had the Matt Damon look alike married to a Vera Farmiga look alike. i don't know why i do this, even when it does work out.

and that's today's fan work problem.

mood: generally happy
listening to: The Change-Up review

remember bloda?

well well well, what do we have here? i seemed to forget that august started on monday, and that i had some blogging to do. so i guess bloda was a good idea. anyways, i don't really have much else to say, so i'm gonna go now.

mood: blergh
listening to: clifford
chapter: GoF, 20