Sunday, October 26, 2014


so um... i was just thinking about it, and i realized that i've sort of rendered this blog obsolete a while ago. mostly because i spend more time in other places, and anything i put on here you can pretty much find by following me somewhere else. so, i'm gonna retire this blog. the other blog (which is gonna go through a little rebranding today) is going to stick around, so don't worry if you're here for the game reviews and stuff like that. you can find me on tumblr and twitter if you want to continue keeping up with me.

i'm not going to delete this blog, for nostalgia purposes, but this is most likely going to be the last formal post. it's been good.

Friday, October 17, 2014


coming to you live from my dad's house with an update.

so, very quickly, phase one of coven has been posted, and so has it's playlist. also i finished darkvengers but that's not gonna be posted for a little while so it's w/e.

on to stuff. i started school last week and i only have one class that's online, so i've been doing close to nothing for the last month or so. i have had sooooo much free time that i've been able to finish so many things that i was sure i wouldn't get done before the end of the month. that being said though i haven't been doing much. i've started exercising a little bit because i swear i could feel my legs atrophying from sitting around so much. in terms of movies i bought and watched godzilla and captain america: the winter soldier, and i also FINALLY got around to finally watching the ring, which was one of two movies i'd said i wanted to watch over the summer (i have yet to watch the wolf man).

um... that's pretty much it. next month is nano, for which i'll be writing the fall (the next story in my mainstream universe). this is the first time i haven't been in the middle of a main project so i kind of feel like i'm drifting aimlessly until then. hope you guys have a nice halloween.

Monday, September 8, 2014

update 9/8/14

well first things first, before we get into what i've been up to: i've noticed that a lot of my updates have been dominated by me talking about my au, and while that makes sense (especially since writing was pretty much all i did this summer), that's not exactly what i wanna be about on here. my tumblr is where i keep all that. i'm not gonna talk about anything that i haven't posted online.* it's not like it's not gonna come up (again, it is kind of my thing), but i just don't want it to dominate the conversation. 

that being said, i totally did finish the script for mainstream!captain america, which, now that i'm looking through my past posts, i didn't even mention on here for some reason, which is really weird. you can find that here. (i'm linking to the tumblr post with the link so you can see the warnings.) along with that i posted the playlist/soundtrack for that story (here) and the one that spans the space between cap and it's sequel, the fall (here).

okay. now that that's out of the way, on to actual update stuff. my last day of "work" was on the 31st, and i'm happy to be back at my mom's house, where i'm not in danger of being rolled on by my sister. staying at my dad's house for that long was actually okay, because i don't see my sisters that often as it is. i have been feeling mad sick since i came back, which i think was just pms, but the last time i came back to my mom's house i felt weird too. i think it's because i eat so differently there (and by 'eat differently' i mean i hardly do).

speaking of eating differently, on purpose this time, i'm trying to limit how much meat i eat now. the end goal is to eventually cut it out of my diet completely by the time i move out, whenever that will be. it's been going pretty good because i have complete control over what i eat for breakfast and lunch. i do want to go vegan someday, but right now i have to take baby steps because there are a lot of foods i can't eat due to my sensory processing disorder, so i have no idea to get around the fact that i may or may not be able to eat beans and stuff like that.

i haven't been to the movies since the last time you saw me, so i haven't seen anything that's out new right now. on the other hand, i totally went on a horror movie binge one weekend at my dad's house and watched insidious, the conjuring, cabin in the woods, and an american werewolf in london. more recently i saw insidious 2, mama, and the grudge (which i honestly can't believe i didn't see sooner). i've had a hankering to watch the ring and the remake of the wolf man since my binge, but i put it off because i owned the movies and didn't see the point of stressing myself out to watch a movie online when i had the dvd (and trust me, i was without my computer for like a month while it got fixed and cleaned out, i'm so edgy about shit like that now). i watched the amazing spider-man 2 with my mom on saturday night, but i spent most of the time making a post on my tumblr about how i was gonna handle the character of max dillon in my mainstream (of course).

and that, friends, is the stuff. hopefully i will be back sooner, because i only have one class this semester and it's online, so maybe i'll find more things to write about. again, if you wanna keep up with my au and stuff (or just wanna hear me more regularly) you can follow my tumblr, or my twitter, both of which are witabif. i might put permanent links to them on here anyways. bye kids.

* part of the reason i'm doing this is because i've noticed that i'm very hard to follow when there is no context for what i'm talking about. this is a problem i have on my tumblr too, but i have tags full of stuff you can try to reference if you want. so from now on on this blog i'm only gonna post stuff if can then actually link you to the work i'm talking about.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


(i'm taking a break from heavy-editing coven!thor to write this, and just wanted to also tell you that i finished coven!cap and posted chapter 1 on my tumblr. i also posted the edited version of chapter 1 of coven!thor there too.)

but anyway, i was just going through some old posts on this blog and... man. it's always kind of weird to see how different you were as a person in the past, but when i look at posts from 2012 and 2011 it's kind of hard to believe that that was me just a few years ago? i occupy a completely different mental space than 2011!me did. can you believe that there was a time in my life that constantly thinking about a fictional work was so alien to me that i constantly talked about it? that's just, like, what i do now. this is completely barring the fact that i wasn't writing back then. and if 2012!me could see my current au her head would be spinning (no hp??? who the fuck is cuhel???). like really.

on the other hand, it seems like i was a lot more emotional back then, but really i just talked about it more because it was right i'd opened up. i'm totally just as emotional now, but it's for different stuff ( i got a stomach ache when they announced that sam wilson was becoming captain america because i was so excited). also i was totally obsessed with inception. like man apparently that movie was on my mind for like a month straight. nowadays i tend to relate the things i see to some part of my au and spend more time thinking about that... of course, again, in 2011 there wasn't really an au anyway, so

but man, this is surreal i'm gonna go back to doing that and editing, because i'd really like to finish this chapter, like, today.

edit - i'm back again because i made an amazing discovery while reading these: this is back when i still identified as straight. holy frick frack... it feels so long ago, especially because i'm not allosexual or alloromantic at all anymore (i'm very nearly not cis either), but i look at a post from three years ago where i talked about having babies... jesus who the hell is that. 2011 was also my brief stint as a christian before i a) went (agnostic) atheist to deal with my thanatophobia and b) waaaaay before i slwoly shifted back into theism. damn i've changed a lot.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

update 8/6/14

hello! so here's the stuff

general: i got a job working for my parents watching my nephew while they and my sisters go to work. i get $70 a week so i'm totally into it. i saw dawn of the planet of the apes, maleficent, godzilla again, and guardians of the galaxy, all of which i enjoyed. i also saw the legend of hercules technically, but hell i wasn't paying attention (i read the summary i wrote for my spiderman fic). i watch the amazing spiderman 2 at home and i liked that just as much as i thought, which was a lot even though it was a hot mess. that's about it.

so au stuff

mainstream: so a little while ago i edited pirates of the caribbean and dead men's chest, which made me want to write at world's end, BUT i got weird and rearranged all of my writing into three parts: superhero stuff, other stuff on earth, and then off earth stuff. doing it all chronologically doesn't work because there are a shit ton of stories i have that don't have definitive times or take place in different universes where it kind of doesn't count. by doing it this way it's easier for me to plan and stay on track, especially because all of the superhero stuff is connected. there's not really anything important to see in the tag.
coven and cotn: there's more meta in the tag regarding bucky in the winter soldier, and i wrote chapter 2 of coven!cap. i haven't touched cotn in a while
lego story: i totally rethought how the sequel will go, because what i was going for was too dark for this uni. i took the original ideas and pushed them to the mainstream for agents of shield.

i haven't updated darkvengers in three months but hey

so there that is. i haven't been up to much.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

update 6/12/2014

I only just now realized that it'd been a month since my last post, so update time!

life in general: i am done school for this semester and i am trying to find a job, though it's not coming along. i finally got to posting my resume on monster, which is good (though i have no experience so like... idk how it will all work out). um, i've seen like three movies in theaters since my last post (captain america 2 (which i saw twice), x-men: days of future past, and godzilla) and that's cool b/c i don't always get to see a lot of stuff in the movies. i watched pacific rim and man of steel at home and i liked both of those (the first more than the second but w/e). i cleaned out my closet last month??? doesn't seem like something important to mention but it feels like it. on a more serious note i've been thinking about some stuff re: my spiritual beliefs and what not, but i won't get in depth here (you can read the tumblr posts about it instead).

okay, now on to the au stuff.

mainstream stuff (you can browse through the tag at your leisure here): not a lot has been happening here lately, mostly because my writing has been focused on other stuff. but either way, there's some more x-men story thoughts. (herehere, here, here, here, and here), a couple of spiderman things (here, here), a batman thing (here) and some thor stuff (here, here, here).

other aus:
  • i haven't touched darkvengers since the last time i spoke to you except to read it, though i definitely want to get back to it some time.
  • coven and children of the night: on the other hand, this is where i've been doing a lot of stuff. on the cotn side i'm still working on man of steel, currently rewriting the fourth chapter and editing for character stuff. on the coven side, though, i have come leaps and bounds. i wrote coven!thor in it entirety while i stayed at my dad's house for two weeks. i posted the first chapter of that here. i also posted the first chapter of coven!captain america but i'm not gonna link that because i am currently writing more, and that will need to be edited for content. i made a new post re-explaining the magic system here, some changes to character relations and story mechanics here, and a (hopefully) final post on what i;m gonna do with the winter soldier here.
  • lego story: not putting a link to the tag b/c i haven't posted anything there, but hoooooo boy. talk about satisfying writing experiences. this story is just over 16,000 words at the end of chapter 5. chapter 5, guys. this is the other thing i spent time on at my dad's house and it was a delight. also the outline of this went through some serious overhaul. i can't wait to get back to this as well.
and that's it. not as long as my last post but hey, at least i did stuff!

Friday, May 9, 2014

update 5/9/14

hello! so i haven't finished anything since my last post i still feel like i've accomplished some things.

mainstream au stuff first (if you wanna browse through the posts at your leisure you can go here.)

  • i haven't worked on thg story in a while but that's because i've been working on a lot of other stuff. going by the way i told myself that i was gonna work on all my stuff i'm technically not supposed to worry about that for a really long time anyway so
  • i haven't talked about my batman stuff here since i'd said that i had started over. i had made up my own arkham asylum story and stuff, but i have since realized that i'm gonna have to do some other stuff before i get to that, which means i'm writing a year one story and then something after and then the arkham asylum story. (here)
  • along with that, some stuff about the batman character and how i plan on writing him when i finally get to it. (basically it's me being scared that i'm not portraying the mental space correctly) (here, here, and here.)
  • i've been doing a lot of talking about stuff pertaining to captain america and the war stories i have in my au (something i've never brought up here, i think) and i think i might have finally parsed that out (finally!) (there are a lot of posts about this and related things in the tag but ones actually about the story are hereherehereherehere, and here.) 
  • i made up yet another new story, but this is really interesting b/c southern gothic x-men. come on guys. (here, 2 and 3 on thisherehere, herehere, and here.)
  • i did some talking about spiderman in my au and how things are gonna go in spiderman 2, specifically, now that that movie is out. there are spoilers in some of these links, so be careful (here, here,and here.)
  • prophs. oh, prophs. so with that, i've actually managed to write a whole new outline, which was much more in depth and actually listed what i need to cover in each chapter so i'm not just blindly stumbling around based off of a couple of descriptive words. i even managed to write another chapter. (posts about some cultural stuff here, here, and here, and some character stuff here.)
  • i posted the prologue for the first potc story a while ago and never put a link here so you can read that here. sorry about that!
okay, now stuff in other aus:
  • darkvengers: i went to my dad's house over easter and suddenly decided that i'd work on editing darkvengers, and man i got a lot of stuff done! i edited all the way to where i'd stopped at before (which is the attack on the helicarrier) and things are much more dynamic now. there's a lot of new meta in the tag, and you can read the prologue of the avengers here.
  • coven and children of the night: i'm about four chapters into cotn!man of steel including the prologue (which you can read here). i'm incorporating arrow into this side of things and wrote some meta about laurel and oliver. coven, on the other hand, has a whole lot of meta and no writing done. i did manage to redo the graphics i had made when i started this au, and they're pretty slick (especially pepper's). links to important meta here: magic system re: witches, maya, skye (1)(2), loki, brief winter soldier talk(!), and grant and his coven. (spoiler warning on the second skye post and the grant post)
  • lego story: i also did some heavy editing on lego story. i expanded the first chapter (which you can read here), and rewrote the last half of the second chapter. i'm still working on the third but i'll get there.
  • red right hand: this one is brand new! there was a post that came across my dash and got me thinking; a month later it became full fledged Thing that i'd made multiple posts for. there's no actual prose but there's so much meta in the tag that i've almost written out the full story. (it's best to read that tag from back to front so there's some semblance of order.)
and that's what i've been up to. you can tell the school year was winding down because i actually did stuff. see you next time friends.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

update 4/10/14

so it looks like it's time for me to tell you what I've been up to in the last month and a half. but honestly I have a lot of school stuff going on so it's not much. um, I finished dmc last month, which is probably the biggest thing since that's been sitting around since last fall. I haven't started on the next one or anything like that yet but I will be getting to it sometime soon (hopefully). If you follow me on tumblr (and you probably should be if you care about this at all) you know that I took harry potter out of my au a while ago, and while I am in the process of negotiating resurrecting it it seems likely to stay dead. my new the story has passed 22,000 words! the games part of the story has changed a lot since I got back to it and it's coming along nicely. prophs is waiting in the wings because I'm not sure how to proceed to get the ends that I want. fallout/skyrim (the new story I mentioned in my last update) has been changed yet again but these changes seem to be permanent. have I told you guys about the lego story? well that's a thing that I might be getting back to as well.

and I think that's everything that's happened. again, follow me on tumblr or twitter if you want to stay more up to date, i'm witabif on both.

Monday, February 24, 2014

oh my god

ooooooooh my god guys.

i haven't made a post in like three months or something and so much shit has happened. like, i quit nano like i'd said i would but i also took harry potter out of my au??? i completely threw out all the batman stuff out that i had and made up a new story??? i made up two new aus??? i came back to thg fic in december and am in the process in changing prophs again??? i made a new story in the mainstream??? i got straight a's???

a lot of stuff