Friday, October 28, 2011

my life atm

this morning i discovered the wonder of hyperbole and a half, and that got me thinking about my life and the state of it and things. see, i was watching the remake of halloween last night. i cried. not like 'i almost cried' or 'i was on the verge of tears'. i legit cried. the last time i watched this movie, the only emotions i showed were slight disgust and shock. i was actually confused as to why i was crying, but then i remembered the reason.

Harry Potter.

i've gotten more emotional over the past few months (i.e. ever since i learned tumblr proper), and now that almost everything i've ever loved has been stolen away from me on a movie screen, i'm super vulnerable. like, in a ridiculous fashion (you know, crying during a rob zombie film). i thought it was bad that i almost broke down in tears whenever someone did a killing curse but no, NO. apparently, seeing young michael myers in a cop car is enough to tear me to pieces, with two break downs and his mom's suicide to send me over the edge. and it's all J.K. Rowling's fault. 

i am now officially afraid to watch the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, for fear of breaking down in a fit of tears while screaming "WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST BRING BACK THE COW DAMMIT."

and also, i hope you all have a nice halloween weekend

mood: don't really know but my throat hurts
listening to: dinosaur train
chapter: 18, OoTP

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