Sunday, February 3, 2013


first thing's first, thing's that have happened since last time:

  • i started back at school. nothing interesting there really.
  • i haven't touched my batman fic in a week
  • i'm giving up my nano story for something different (more on that below)
some other thing

  1. i finished blogging twilight and the hunger games started harry pottered, and now i want to do a thing where i read a thing and then blog about it. of course i can't do that because a) i'm not reading anything at the moment and b) if i was would i post consistently/finish said thing? who knows. i could have done a thing where i watched the phase one MCU movies and blogged about those but we just finished the last of them. maybe someday i'll do a thing.
other other thing:

i'm taking creative writing this semester and my professor opened my eyes to something that kind of changed everything w/r/t my au. basically, he said that he sees people who write a lot of fanfiction sometimes get stuck in a rut where they only write fic and never move into writing original fiction. now, so far i've written approx. 1 of the stories in my au but i noticed right away that i was setting myself up for that kind of situation, so i've been busy brainstorming ways to re-appropriate some of my stories.
among those is the thg fic i wrote for nano. like, i'm keeping it, because i like to read it, but the story itself isn't canon in that universe anymore. it's kind of neat, but every time i remember that i'm no longer constrained by the mechanics of the hunger games universe i get overwhelmed.
this fic isn't the only one i'm changing, but it's the most recent drop i've made, and probably the most exciting (something i might elaborate on sometime in the future idk).

so that's all for now. maybe i'll try to post a bit more this year? (no promises)

mood: fine
listening to: lover - devendra banhart

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