Friday, July 5, 2013


i haven't written a real post since february so i think it's time for an update

since feburary i've:

 - i finished two fics. two full length fics. the last time i was here i was telling you all about how i'd started my batman begins fic two months prior. well, not only did i finish that fic about a month after, i started tdkr the last week in march and finished it in just over a month. right now i'm editing tdkr (which is requiring a LOT of rewrites and inserts) and i'd started a second round of editing on batman begins before i got caught up in tdkr and another project which i'll mention below. i've also written a small selections of tdk stuff because there isn't enough change worth writing a whole story. however, that might change a bit.

i think it's worth mentioning that i wrote tdkr very quickly compared, not just to batman begins but also to the unfinished thg fic. last november, when i did nano, in the thirty day period i managed to write 31,684 words. batman begins took four months and had just over 38,000 words i think. i finished tdkr in a month and it had about 58,000 words. 58,000. that's crazy.

 - i started an epic fantasy story

some background on this: in the days leading up to nano (you know, because i decided to nano, like, a week before it started) i did some practice writing to get myself into the groove, since i hadn't written creatively since my sophomore or junior year of high school. along with what would become the first chapter of batman begins, i decided to fill in the blanks of game of thrones and write the scene where the stark kids name the direwolf pups. this. i put the file on my computer a few days after i wrote it and just kind of left it until i started batman begins, which is when i decided to use it as an ongoing background project to keep my mind and hands busy when i'd gotten blocked by batman, and to keep my mind from wandering to other things, because thinking ahead (or in the case of harry potter, behind) can get me overwhelmed.

ultimately, this story has gone through a lot of changes, most of which stem from the big decision to try to remove it from game of thrones as much as i can. this resulted in, among other things:

  •  me renaming all the characters, locations, and a few other things, in elvish (quenya for the common tongue and sindarin for valyrian)
  • removing adults as viewpoint characters (to exemplify that this is no longer game of thrones, the pov chars are all chars who are not, or will stop, playing the game of thrones. adults will come in later.)
  • at least three rewrites before i'd even finished the fifth chapter. the biggest one was the decision to have taron not fall from the tower, whereas bran did, and to have aisto run away, whereas jon went to take the black.
  • etc...
that fic is currently at 25,797 words, and i've stopped because i got block

 - i bet you're all (not) wondering about the thg fic.

well, for starters, it's definitely a thg fic again. secondly, i'm tying it in with the epic fantasy story. that's barely been started so

 - i've been working on other stuff but it's all short fiction i've got to keep my hands busy since i've hit that wall in prophs. i've started outlining thor, which is a step towards the avengers, and i've almost completely laid out harry potter and the sorcerer's stone for nano this november.

and that's pretty much it! sorry for not being around :(

mood: ?
listening to: Hurricane - MS MR (Twin Shadow remix)

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