Friday, August 16, 2013


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- i finished another fic. in the time after i finished tdkr, when i was planning thor, i remembered that i had the script for curse of the black pearl and decided to plan that as well. i got about five chapters in before i started the fic but that was for stitching* reasons. in the end potc has over 26,000 words and i wrote it in three weeks or so, possibly less.

i think it's worth noting that this fic was the most fulfilling writing experience i'e ever had. i wrote almost consistently every day, and no chapter was less that one thousand words (the most was just over four thousand). it was so nice to have time away from batman for a while and also writing something that has nothing to do with superheroes. if it's not too narcissistic, it's also the only fic i've written so far that i think i might be proud of the first draft somewhere down the line, but idk - i thought that about batman begins too, and i've started rewriting parts of that

 - like i mentioned above, i started editing batman begins again. i'd actually started before potc but stopped because i need a break. i also started editing prophs and working on the thg fic again.

that's actually about it. i really just wanted to tell you about potc. idk what fic i'm gonna do next, but sorcerer's stone in november!!! really excite

mood: idk
listening to: that one movie - renegade cut (it's a video)

* stitching is when you piece the scenes in a movie script together for chapters in prose. i made the term up on twitter when i was criticizing the man of steel novelization for having flashbacks in the middle of a chapter, so idk if it's a term anyone else uses.

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