Tuesday, September 17, 2013

update 9/17/13

note: i think i'm doing chapter by chapter reviews of the ma of steel novelization on the other blog, so you can check that out if you want

  • i started dead man's chest. i sat down one night after i had finished potc to finally watch on stranger tides (which was great, btw), and then i decided to watch dead man's chest as well, since the cable was out that day and i had nothing to do. right after i watched it i decided that i had to do it RIGHT THEN and started it, like, the next day or s/t. it's currently on hold because i got blocked, though i might pick it back up sometime soon
  • i know i mentioned this on the other blog, but idk if i've ever said it here, but i'm rewriting an avengers fic i started this spring called darkvengers. it's a background project just like prophs is, but i've brought it into the forefront recently (it even has it's own tag on my tumblr) recently in the absence of dmc. it's based on the idea of taking a bunch of the chars in the mcu and taking them to ridiculous extremes, and then seeing how that affects the original story line, plus other things. though, since it's the avengers, you don't actually get to see all of the extremes (there are echoes of them in there though). maybe someday i'll write the iron man and thor and spiderman stories from that universe, but for now there's that.
  • i've gone back to editing batman begins, partially because it needs it, and partially because the more i look, the more i realize that i'm gonna have to write the dark knight in full. that also means most of tdkr is on hold until i do and finish that, which won't be for a while because...
  • nanowrimo is in a month, and i'm not starting a novelization of a christopher nolan movie the month before, so december, maybe. i'm doing my rewrite of sorcerer's stone for nano this year, and hopefully it will go better than my thg fic (though, if it's like curse of the black pearl, it might be under the length even if i finish it.)
  • after reading the first chapter and a half of man of steel, i still think i write better than gary cox, but he's gotten better between the two books, and that's what really counts.

a teeny tiny thing

you know, i've never been a person to have high self-esteem, and i still don't, but i've noticed that i've been a bit into my own writing???

i've been reading stuff by gary cox, the guy who novelized the dark knight rises and man of steel, and just thinking, i write better than you. i've been doing this since last november and i write better than you. i made the same mistakes you did before i took that creative writing class. i write betTER THAN YOU. and like??? is that concieted? it feels like it because it comes from me, but maybe it's not. maybe i really am better than gary cox (at least a little bit). but i don't know for sure.

i think it's because there's a really weird disconnect between me and my writing sometimes? like, i mentioned this on my tumblr once, but i tend to look at my stuff as both the author and the audience, since i write mostly for myself. maybe i'm not better than gary cox, maybe y writing style is just super tailored to my own tastes.

though i'm pretty sure i'm better than gary cox. just saying.

speaking of, i reviewed the first chapter of the tdkr novelization on the other blog, so you can read that if you want. i wrote another blogpost yesterday too but i don't feel like linking to that b/c content. it's easy to find, don't worry.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

things in old posts

do you know that i started modern warfare 3? like, for real this time. but i got to level 6? or so and i stopped because i didn't like the way it was making me feel.
 yeah i just found this and, like, this year or so i figured out that i have sensory processing disorder and that's why i have trouble watching call of duty and why i can't play it. basically the sounds of war could send me into a meltdown and that's not cool (and it almost happened during the time mentioned above). mw3 is particular because i don't actually like it that much so it just makes me anxious and stressy, unlike black ops, which i love so i can survive through it and feel a sense of fulfillment
  • i want to see the dark knight rises again, because i want to watch the dark knight sometime soon and i'm afraid i won't want to see it again after that
yooooooo past!frankie what are you talking about. like... i don't even really know how to go about this because sequels being better isn't something that would put me off of a movie so like
I don’t want to be one of those people who deletes their account because they didn't get the house they wanted, so I think I’d be better to delete it before I get sorted, or get in at all. I know it seems dumb, but I like being a ravenclaw.
i had a character that looked like Mark Whalberg, so i made one that looks like Matt Damon and went on with it. it wasn't until now that i noticed how weird that is, but then i noticed that i had the Matt Damon look alike married to a Vera Farmiga look alike.
fun story: both of these characters still exist and i totally forgot about this until i found this post. they're both so ingrained into the story that it doesn't even matter anymore. also eric (the matt damon) is married to emma, who looks like jennifer aniston...
73. i sometimes like to think that maybe snape put up a front for all those years
because maybe after a while he didn't really hate Harry, but he couldn't drop the facade because no one would never believe he’d have a change of heart after all those years.
no no no, like... how??? no

also in general, there are a lot of posts about how the chars in harry potter have been replacements to real friends and how much HP has affected me emotionally and like...
for the first i can't help but keep thinking how sad that is??? like i had no reason to not have friends except myself i just chose not to. the second is a bit harder because yes and no. like, HP has affected me emotionally but not in the way i phrased it before. in all it just made me a little more honest with myself re: my emotions

that's all for today. i've been on the other blog so you can go there if you want to read about feminism and batman or w/e