Friday, September 17, 2010


So I actually got stuff done! I finished my paper, and I ended up not having to lie as much as I thought I would. My cousin chantelle told me how she "put some lies into a truth." I ended up doing exactly the same thing. It was a good thing, cause I didn't want to lie for a good grade.
Even though it's not happening until this winter, I was thinking about filming somemore of my series House Rules. I've been holding back because I haven't even finished beautiful dirty rich yet, but I don,t know. Also, I have ideas for a holiday episode, but I need something for the in between!
I just thought of my vlog on youtube. I haven't done one I a while, and I'm not sure about the future of it now. I don't like to look at myself on camera, so I'm thinking about just having the channel and not doing the vlogs. I also thought of keeping it for more serious stuff and linking with my deviantart and my livejournal.
That's all for today. By the way, my sister won her soccer game :)

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