Monday, September 20, 2010

the dream walker

sooo... this morning i had a dream. it was pretty crazy, to the point where i just woke myself up, for fear of what might go down. so i'm gonna talk about it.

i was in home depot (don't ask) and for some reason they had a little tv playing a nightmare on elm street movie (and a nonexistent one at that.) in the movie, a bunch of kids were climbing out of the ground (?!), and i turned around and next thing i know are walking up the slope towards me! i assume the movie was an ANOES movie only because three of the kids look like elm street kids (which would make them crawling out of a hole in the ground not so weird). one girl looked kristen from movie 4 with long brown hair, one boy was glen form his hair to his shoes, and another girl looked just like tina. there were, like, two other kids, but i don't really remember them. it had to have been the 80's (judging by the outfits and hair, including mine) and this is exactly how it went down, dialogue and all:

Me: (standing there like 'wha?')
Kristen-girl: "omigosh, i feel like i've been sleep forever!
Glen: I feel dead (hahahahahaha, that was corny even in my dream)
(all of a sudden, Jason(?!) storms in with a baseball bat)
Glen: Yo! let's squash!
(we run out)

yes, that's how it happened. we ran away (obviously) and we ran out of the home depot and we ran into a school(!). as we were running out of the door, jason threw the baseball bat and it smashed a window. the 80's kids went to the left, and i decided to go in the front office. i decided to take a pee when i was being chased (i don't know).

the reason i woke up:
1. as i came out of the bathroom, i wasn't sure if jason was still chasing those kids, so...
2. i didn't even though if the kids (and jason) knew i was there. it was a dream, so...
3. (and this is the big one) i had a feeling that freddy was gonna show up (those kids?!) so...

i have this crazy ability to wake up when i think a dream is gonna get scary. i kinda want to know what happens, but i don't know if they knew i was there or not... sooooo... yeah. it was a crazy dream. good times.

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