Monday, September 20, 2010

the story

The summer after 7th grade was an eventful one. My friends and I were just arriving at our summer camp. We knew we were assigned to certain groups, but we didn’t know which ones. We were so nervous. Aubriana, Savannah, Lili, and I made our way to our way to the main building to find out our fate.
When we got there, we found out that we were in group B with four other girls: Claire, Amy, Danni, and Rina. The counselors directed us to the table where we were supposed to sit. Only one other girl was there when we sat down. She was really… happy to see us.
“Hi, I’m Claire!” she exclaimed, “Are you guys in my group? We should be best friends!”
We nodded along nicely and hoped that the other three girls would be less excitable. Two more girls came and sat down.
“Hey, I’m Danni, and this is my friend Amy.” Danni said.
They both seemed really nice, but we were all distracted by the last girl to arrive. She came with a giant pink bag with rhinestones stars all over it. She sat down and immediately started complaining.
“Omigosh, I can’t believe my mom is making me do this. This camp is so grody. I should have totally gone to camp Sakemah. They have their own pool and they use salt water. My hair can’t take chlorine.”
We all looked at each other and decided that it was better not to interrupt. Before we knew it, the counselors were herding us out to the buses to take us to the local pool.
When we got there, my group went into the changing room to put on our bathing suits, and then we went out to the pool. If we did well, we got to play around in the deep end with the older kids.
“Okay girls, who wants to go first?” the instructor asked excitedly.
This is the part I was dreading. I couldn’t swim, and I wasn’t ready to show people I didn’t know that. We all looked at each other. Danni stepped forward, “I don’t care, I’ll go first”
We soon found out that Danni was an amazing swimmer. We were all upset at how high she set the bar, and afraid to take our turn. The counselor let her go, and then asked for the next person. Lili, Aubriana, Savannah and I turned to each other.
“Who wants to go next?” I asked sarcastically.
“Pssh, not me.” Aubriana said quickly.
Claire stepped up, “I’ll go best friends!” No one disagreed.
Claire was good, better than any of us. Now I was really starting to get nervous. I didn’t care about swimming in front of my friends, but all of the people in the deep end were watching now.
“Next!” the counselor called. We looked at Amy.
“Do you want to go?” Lili asked nervously.
“Um, I guess? Yeah, I’ll go.” We were relieved.
Our feelings were short lived, because Amy was good too. The situation was getting dire. We knew what the counselor was going to say, and Aubriana turned to Rina.
“Hey, do you want to go?”
“Really? I can’t get in this, it’ll ruin my complexion. And I know I told you about my hair.”
“It’s okay, I’ll go.” I said. I was trying to be brave, but my façade was faltering. I got into the pool.
“You only have to do the backstroke, so you don’t have to worry.” She said it like it would be easy.
I turned around and tried to do what I saw the swimmer on TV do. It didn’t work.
“Just think about it one arm at a time.” The counselor told me.
I tried again. This time I did better, but I didn’t feel like I did good enough.
“I can’t let you go in the deep end today, but you can try again on Friday. I was hoping Friday would never come.


Lili, Aubriana, Rina, Savannah, Danni, Amy, and Claire are all made up characters. i took the names (and Claire and Rina's personalitites) from Hawaii Gone Wrong, one of my favorite shows on youtube. thank god for watermelon813 :D

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