Saturday, April 2, 2011

blog every day in april...

ah! or something like that...

i'm attempting BEDA. i have a feeling it means there will be short posts again (after i got rid of them all!), but yeah, wutevs.

first things first... i had a dream about Franklin, like the tv show. i'm sleeping on the couch in the living room this weekend because i want to wake up and watch cartoons (bluuuue's cluuuuues). Franklin was on and it was some episode about a submarine or something. in the dream they had, like, an actual submarine. it was weird, but normal compared to some other dreams i've had. at least i can remember it.

second things... you get it... you know how abc family likes to have movie marathons? sometimes they're good... like REALLY good, like Harry Potter weekends and the disney movies and such. today though, as if to cancel out all the good of them playing Monsters Inc. tonight, they're having a Bring It On marathon. if you aren't familiar with abc family, it means they play every bring it on movie except the first one, which is really the only good one. it got me thinking about how the sequels kinda lost the original purpose of the first movie. like, the first one isn't the best movie, or even a great comedy, but it was a decent satire of competitive cheerleading . as they started making sequels, it just turned into 'white girl's team verses black girl's team, black girls make white girl see what cheerleading is really about'. add that to the steadily falling quality of acting and comedy, and you've got some shitty movies. the only one that did something a little original was the latest one, even if it is just another romeo and juliet story. either way, the moral of the story is, abc family needs to have more disney movie marathons and STOP with the shitty teen dramas. seriously.

Mood: hm...
Listening to: community channel videos :)

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