Sunday, April 10, 2011

you could cut a hoe...

day 10 of BEDA. topic: slashers

not like slashers like people who write slash though... you probably didn't even think of that. but anyway, i'm talking about the fictional movie killers. i was on the ANOES forums and this girl started a discussion asking about the merchandise from other series and she said this about the Friday the 13th series:

"But I think that's one reason why I'd like to see something like HNWJ from Fri 13, is b/c I've always seen the Fri 13 series as mindless chaos, just blood guts, gore and BOOBS and profanity; and Jason just seems so typical to me, big guy wearing a mask killing people *at least Michael was original*"

now, i'm not, like, insulted or anything. as much as i love Jason, i'm not enamored with the F13 series. it just seems like everyone thinks he's just out to kill for no reason, when i know it's not like that at all.

now it's not that it's a misconception, per say, because after he comes back form the end he does become a killing machine, but in the beginning it wasn't really like that. it's inevitable that he'll get compared to Michael because of what Jason becomes after part 4, and then you factor in Leatherface and you'd think you'd have three of the same but (surprise!) you don't.

with classic Michael, it's kind of hard to explain. i can't really tell you why he did what he did, because with the continuity i follow (1, 2, H20, Resurrection), your guess is as good as mine. it really seems like he just kills for no reason, and if he does have a reason, he sure didn't tell any of us. it really seems like there's nothing behind that mask. he's not mindless, but it just seems like there's no one there. remake Michael is more there, for lack of a phrase. he had motivation in the beginning, at least for breaking out of the loony bin. his reason for killing is still lost on me (if there was one). i'm hoping it's not because he feels wronged or something, because that would be quite backwards.

(excuse me if i get a little sappy after this.) on Leatherface's wikipedia page is says that the reason Leatherface doesn't talk and wears a mask is because without the mask, he's nothing. the mask is him. this kinda makes sense when it comes to original Leatherface, i think. i do know that he has a motivation though. the thing is that he doesn't know any better than killing people. he was raised thinking that killing people is okay, whatever you have to do for the family. technically he's just getting by. this goes fr both of them. when it comes down to the mask though, remake Leatherface is a person. he's still himself without the mask on.

now with Jason it's a completely different story. he kills because a) his mom would want him to and b) he feels wronged. in his case he actually was wronged: they almost drowned him. not that that justifies what he does, but at least they did something to him. up until the 4th movie that was his thing. after he came back in the 6th movie it didn't matter because he was a zombie thing anyway. it's the almost exact same thing with remake Jason: they almost killed him and killed his mom (don't know if she was crazy like old Jason's mom), so he started killing them back. he wasn't always a zombie thing, that's just how it turned out.

hopefully i helped you guys see that all killers are not created equally.

p.s.: i'm not gonna get into Freddy and stuff, because he doesn't even fall into the same category.

mood: kinda okay... i guess
listening to: people talk.

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