Saturday, April 30, 2011

insert witty title here

so today's the last day of BEDA. wow....
anyway, the things i wanna talk about:
- the usual list
- what's next
- other stuff...

1. the things i did today:
- ate a big breakfast... well, big for me, consisting of the marshmallows from the lucky charms, 2.7 hash browns, and an apple. yum yum.
- washed my hair... i don't remember if i washed it earlier this week, so i just did it again anyway.
- started getting my stuff together so i can move out easy on Monday

what's next: i don't want to just disappear after this month just to reappear in August, but i also don't wanna schedule myself when i don't have to, so i think i'm just going to blog whenever i think there's something to say. i don't want to have short posts like before, so maybe i'll just sum things up in at the end of the week or something... maybe. i still have to figure things out.

other news:
- inception levels medium-low
- i've been having this problem a lot in the last week or two. when i go to search for inception stuff to reblog, like memes and nice screenshots, i always come across some slash fanart. now, i have nothing against the people who do this or the art itself or gay people, but aaaaaaaaaah. the anime style stuff isn't so bad, but there are some people who are really good, and the people in the pictures look just like the actors. that's the stuff that freaks me out. and it'll come up totally unexpectedly, like "oh quote about Chris Nolan, funny meme, BOOM sex!" and i'm just like "aaaaaaaaaah". okay, enough of that.
- school's over on Monday, and then summer!!!! i don't know what all is going on though. i think i'm getting a job, and we might be going to Florida, but i'm not sure about all that yet.

that's all for today. looks like i ended BEDA the way i wanted :D

mood: happy
listening to: wheezy waiter

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