Wednesday, April 27, 2011

this is also early

ah, Wednesday, the day i've come to hate the most. even more than Monday. why? because i have tree classes today, and they're all back to back, so once i leave the room at 12:30, i may not get back in until 8. and this stresses me to no end. which is why my Wednesday's posts have come late, early, or during the afternoon as a result of me skipping class. i hate this day, but i'm trucking through today because i've skipped one class twice in a row, and i have to go to see if i'm having a final. so, a pre-cap of today:

- boring class
- historical geo lab, no final, so it's just gonna be the last day of lecture really
- pre-calc for exam studying

so yeah, nothing extra fun today. in other news:

- i slept in this morning
- inception levels at high
- Leonardo DiCaprio's image has showed up in my dreams more than once in the past week. i haven't thought of it much, but the dream i had this morning basically yelled at me to write about it. there's this card game called Match... i have NO idea what it's all about, but it keeps showing up. i think it's based off of a movie that's a remake of an old movie (not real ones, of course), but i haven't seen this movie... so, in my latest dream, i was in a toy store. i think 'd been there before, but i'm not sure... but anyway, i turn around after walking over to these little people toys, i turn around and there's these gigantic posters for the card game... with Leo's face on them. i'm gonna look it all up to see what it might mean...

so that's all for today. hopefully this long post makes up for my last five short boring ones.

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: communitychannel

**evening updates**
- so i skipped my first class
- historical geo was AWESOME
- inception levels still super high

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