Saturday, December 31, 2011


so this is more of an update, which is very underwhelming when you consider my new years post from last year. (it's also considerably less bitchy but wutevs)

  • i finished the GoF game
  • i started bratz the movie game
  • i bought epic mickey and HBP
  • i may be attempting to stay up all night tonight
so that's it. sorry for my boring

listening to: communitychannel
chapter: OoTP, 20 or 21 (still not sure, but i finished a chapter last night)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

so um...

i've been gone for a while and it hasn't been all that exciting. so, a list!

  • i moved home and transferred schools.
  • i've started playing pokemon again
  • i'm playing three different HP games (i'm almost finished GoF)
  • i'm currently at my dad's house for christmas
i don't have anything exciting planned for this break. the closest i'm coming is maybe watching the dark knight and inception on new years. but that's all for now. i'm gonna go back to reading blogging twilight instead of rereading the book myself.

mood: heh
listening to: miscellaneous christmas music
chapter: OoTP, 19 or 20 (i don't remmeber, sorz)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

haven't been here in a while, but i'm back with a second list of youtubes to marathon:

- thecynchannel
- SMAseries
- annoyinghayley


Saturday, November 12, 2011


I'm not supposed to be here. Not because I didn't plan on writing, but because foot pain. something happened on the way back from getting dinner last night. I thought it would go away, but now it hurts more. There's nothing I can do because the health center is closed today, I think. Now I have to hobble around until Monday :(
 mood: ugh
listening to: nickelodeon commercials

edit: so, my foot is feeling a lot better. i've been wearing one sock all morning, which is a bit hilarious. my mom wasn't very happy, but now she's coming to my aid to buy me proper shoes.
also: sherbert for breakfast!

mood: eh
listening to: groundhog day, animal crossing soundtrack

Friday, November 11, 2011


so, i'm at a somewhat crucial point in my life. i'm failing two of my three classes at the moment (i think), and i'm thinking about what i'm gonna do next semester. i'm not exactly happy, but i'm not depressed either. and like i said before, this is no place for depression.
so, onto things!
- i watched the anoes remake for the first time in a year. surprisingly, i don't feel any different about it. still just for laughs and cringing.
- i have sherbert
- i haven't scripted since monday and it's getting to me.

that's really all. i wish i had a picture to show you all, but i don't :/

mood: eh.
listening to: 6AM (Christmas),< Animal Crossing Soundtrack

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

i just thought you guys should see this


i'm not really in a good mood atm, so i'm gonna try to keep this short (this is not the place for depression!)

so, biggest update since the last time i posted : I'VE FINALLY FINISHED BATMAN BEGINS! no, this isn't a joke or anything. i sat my ass on the living room couch after a day at the mall and finished that damn movie. i still can't believe it's taken me that long to finish it.
in other news: i went to my school's movie night last thursday and  saw DH part 2 again. i've finally figured out that i can't wait to own the movie on dvd, because trying not to cry hysterically in public is way too hard.
to keep this short: i've had another Freddy dream, and i'm still upset about it. i don't really want to talk about it because it makes me that upset. i'll just say that it's the second dream i've had like that and i'm just wondering what's next, and hope to god that it won't have anything to do with Leatherface.
that's kind of it. i've been thinking far too much to write a nice long post.

mood: :/
listening to: sid the science kid

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


back again today with a few things:

  • i finished halloween. i didn't cry but i was in a state of emotional distress for a while afterword
  • only had one class today
  • i haven't eaten properly
  • started scripting on of my comics (finally)
  • my head hurts
  • i'm probably gonna finish the dark knight tonight
so yeah, there's that stuff. i hope you guise had a fun halloween and i wish luck to any of the peopke doing nano.

mood: :?
listening to: ghost hunters

Monday, October 31, 2011

well, this is more of an update rather than a real post.

1. happy halloween!
2. i watched the texas chainsaw massacre and i didn't cry. i came very, very close though.
3. i also watched friday the 13th and i found out that it is physically impossible for me to be really upset while watching that movie. it's too ridiculous.
4. i'm being a skipper again.

hope you all have fun today n_n

mood: bleh
listening to: thechynchannel

Friday, October 28, 2011

my life atm

this morning i discovered the wonder of hyperbole and a half, and that got me thinking about my life and the state of it and things. see, i was watching the remake of halloween last night. i cried. not like 'i almost cried' or 'i was on the verge of tears'. i legit cried. the last time i watched this movie, the only emotions i showed were slight disgust and shock. i was actually confused as to why i was crying, but then i remembered the reason.

Harry Potter.

i've gotten more emotional over the past few months (i.e. ever since i learned tumblr proper), and now that almost everything i've ever loved has been stolen away from me on a movie screen, i'm super vulnerable. like, in a ridiculous fashion (you know, crying during a rob zombie film). i thought it was bad that i almost broke down in tears whenever someone did a killing curse but no, NO. apparently, seeing young michael myers in a cop car is enough to tear me to pieces, with two break downs and his mom's suicide to send me over the edge. and it's all J.K. Rowling's fault. 

i am now officially afraid to watch the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, for fear of breaking down in a fit of tears while screaming "WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST BRING BACK THE COW DAMMIT."

and also, i hope you all have a nice halloween weekend

mood: don't really know but my throat hurts
listening to: dinosaur train
chapter: 18, OoTP

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

an assessment of my life, via blogposts

so, i was reading through my blog today, and i thought "wouldn't it be cool to figure out what i was going through in certain months depending on the content of my blogs?", and then i decided to do that...

so, here we go!

September 2010: i have three blog posts about a paper that i had to write for my Composition and Rhetoric class, which makes sense because writing is not my strong suit. this is also when i had that 'let's squash!' dream, which i still one of the best dreams i've had since 'bre said we could play football'.

October 2010: i was focusing mostly on my old youtube channel, because i decided to have this big Halloween movie extravaganza. i'm pretty sure this is also when i wrote those super long posts about My Life as Diz and beautiful dirty rich, both of which are gone now. i also talked about how i didn't have anywhere to go for halloween.

November 2010: this could also be the month that i wrote those long posts. i was still focused on my youtube because i was starting to film MLaD season 2 and House Rules. that's pretty much what both posts are about.

December 2010: there's only one so i can't really deduce my state for the whole month. i was a little upset when i wrote that post.

January/February 2011: these two months also have just one post each, and the Feb one is a video link. from the January one i can tell that i was being silly and generally annoyed by dumb things (well, dumber things that what i'm usually annoyed by).

March 2011: i had 2 dreams that i could remember, which is good for me. i was worried about naming my future boy-child.

April 2011: a jumble of things. as the month went on, most of what i was writing had to do with inception, because i just could not stop thinking about it. i also realized how boring i am.

May 2011: i was a little mundane, just going about my business because i had just gotten out of school. i don't do much when school is out

June 2011: i had an identity crisis because an online test sorted me as gryffindor instead of ravenclaw. also because i realized that i don't keep up with many of my high school pals and that Harry Potter was playing an even bigger role in my life.

July 2011: i became generally boring. mostly just watching tv and playing games. i went to florida on vacation.

August 2011: said i was gonna do BEDA, and then decided on BLODA. in the end i didn't really do either. i lost the internet for a week and got nervous about pottermore sorting. also played a lot of computer games

September 2011: started school, became even more boring. played games, started reading Order of The Pheonix. got sorted as Hufflepuff and was happy in the end.

so yeah. looking back, i see that i used to be mildly interesting. keywords: used to.

mood: akfhfkaj
listening to: Killer Elite audio review

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


it's been a while since i've been here, and i've got some updates for you.
- i finally got my pottermore email, and i got sorted hufflepuff. i'm totally happy with it.
- i cried while watching Goblet of Fire
- i went camping for the first time
- i started Bratz Rock Angelz and the GoF game.
- i finished Fight Club. i'm still confused.
and that's what you missed on glee

listening to- What's Your Number audio review
chapter- OoTP, 16

Thursday, September 15, 2011


so, there's this girl that i used to follow on tumblr, but she deleted her blog because she wanted to start over and hide from all the people who gave her drama. the thing is, while she didn't put her name out there, she still uses the same nicknames and everything, so everyone is finding her through her convos with her friends. these are things you have to think of when you want to hide from people on the internet..

okay, end of that rant. in other news
- first week of classes went well
- i got sick
- i got a new gamecube memory card and started playing spongebob again
- you know what i didn't finish

that's about it for today. school brings a lack of interesting things for me to talk about.

mood- ugh/muh
listening to- wheezy waiter (i'm on a wheezy-thon)
chapter- OoTP, 10

Thursday, September 8, 2011


so it's september. i failed at bloda (basically), and i'm back in school. i feel the need to write a post, so here it goes.
thing's i did:
- moved back to school (ugh)
- learned the hare hare yukai dance
- finished Goblet of Fire (finally)
- started OoTP
- dropped a class
things i didn't do:
- finish batman begins. this is going on 4 months now.
i haven't been doing much, so this is about it. sorry for the shortness

mood: muh
listening to: thecynchannel
chapter: OoTP, 2

Thursday, August 25, 2011

another week without internet

this was written last night, before internet came back
As you can see, I haven’t made a blog post in a while. But I also haven’t had the internet for a week, so I’ve been thinking about a few things. Mostly things like pottermore, how Voldemort is nothing like Sauron, and how I’m upset with everyone who uses Leatherface and stupid in the same sentence. But here’s a list of things I’ve done:

-I finally finished imagine fashion designer. This was the first time I’d actually tried playing the game in adventure mode, and I was pleasantly surprised (when I wasn’t being generally annoyed). It turns out that instead of just doing a lot of fashion work and trying to get to the top, I also had to uncover a gigantic underground animal trafficking scheme with the help of only two other people and a dog. In the end the company fired the lady behind it all and I married that guy who used to hate me. Yay.
-I went back to twitter in the absence of tumblr. It brought back memories of when I used to be on twitter a whole bunch (i.e. last fall) quite fun.
-I played bratz some more. For those of you out of the loop, which is probably all of you, I finished bratz forever diamondz and bratz rock angelz a few months ago. After getting my Nintendo gamecube stuff back after not having it for a week, I decided to start playing it again. I’m already on the 3rd issue of the magazine, leading up to the final show.
-I read one more chapter of Harry Potter. Yes, I know it’s been almost three months, but I usually read while waiting for the nightly tag story, and I’ve been going to sleep earlier. I know those aren’t the best excuses, but that’s what happened.
-I went to my uncle’s house for the weekend; because that’s something my family likes to do. I got to see Watchmen and I watched The Dark Knight for the second time in two weeks.
-I didn’t finish batman begins. Bet you didn’t see that coming.

About pottermore: I’ve been thinking about it, and I might delete my account. I don’t want to be one of those people who deletes their account because they didn’t get the house they wanted, so I think I’d be better to delete it before I get sorted, or get in at all. I know it seems dumb, but I like being a ravenclaw. Plus, my mom spent almost 40 dollars on a ravenclaw scarf from the WWoHP for me.

I had two dreams that I can remember, both are kinda weird. The first one had someone I follow on tumblr on it, but I don’t really want to talk about it. The second one had a ravenclaw notebook that said it was ‘the book of your ravenclaw dreams’, to which I responded ‘I don’t have ravenclaw dreams,’ which is now a lie.
That’s pretty much all I’ve done. I can’t wait for the internet to be back, because I can’t even imagine the amount of youtube videos I’ve missed.
Mood: in-diff-er-ent
Listening to- nick jr.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

all my lies

back today to tell you about this:

that moment when you're actually tempted to show people pics of Tom Hardy and say he's your bf

i'v actually considered doing this before with a different person, but i've never been this close to doing it. this is the state of my life.

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: tabre's assorted singing

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

doodle doo

i know i have neglected my blogging duties for this month, but to be honest, ire ally don't have much to write since i'm out of school. i'm currently spending some quality time at my dad's, and i've been hanging out at my aunt's house with my sister for her babysitting job. good fun. besides that, and working on story stuff, i haven't been up to much.

so um, here's a pottermore survey i got from hayley (sorry there's no segway):

What's your Pottermore username? FlooQueen161
What House do you think it sounds like? doesn't sound like any particular house actually.
What House do you want to be in? i want to be in ravenclaw, but i won't be too upset if i get something else. unless it's slytherin, i don't want slytherin.
Does your username relate to you at all? not one bit.
What kind of wand would you wish to get? i want something pretty. i wish i could get one that has flowers carved on it with the petals tinted, but i doubt they make wands like that.
Are you pure, half-blooded or Muggle born? i'm a half-blood. my mom's a squib and my dad's a muggle-born (weird, i know)
Which day did you get into Pottermore? the last day.
What shape is your Patronus? um, some type of dinosaur. not sure which species
What does your boggart look like? a zombie. no specific person, just a gory, gnarly zombie. ugh.
Would you rather be an Animagus or a Matamorphmagus either one would be nice.
If you were an Animagus, what animal would you be? maybe a jaguar, or a leopard.

and there's that. i'm actually surprised that people aren't upset with me. a lot of people stayed up until the most ungodly hours of the morning to get in, while i just happened to see the clue, thought 'why not?' and waltzed on in the middle of the afternoon.

but yeah. and once again, i apologise for my boring.

mood: muh
listening to- food being made
chapter- same as last time, because i didn't bring the flipping book!

Friday, August 5, 2011

i'm back again

i know i wrote a post for today, but i need to talk about some story things.

so i was thinking about how ridiculous it is that i need to 'make it up' to myself for not being able to make a story i want to do. i was mostly thinking about how i put two new characters in inception because i couldn't do the departed. because of my habit of having story ideas and then dumping them and keeping the characters, i had a character that looked like Mark Whalberg, so i made one that looks like Matt Damon and went on with it. it wasn't until now that i noticed how weird that is, but then i noticed that i had the Matt Damon look alike married to a Vera Farmiga look alike. i don't know why i do this, even when it does work out.

and that's today's fan work problem.

mood: generally happy
listening to: The Change-Up review

remember bloda?

well well well, what do we have here? i seemed to forget that august started on monday, and that i had some blogging to do. so i guess bloda was a good idea. anyways, i don't really have much else to say, so i'm gonna go now.

mood: blergh
listening to: clifford
chapter: GoF, 20

Thursday, July 28, 2011


so i'm starting to have second thoughts about BEDA. i haven't posted much in the last few months, especially this month. i'm thinking about going for BLODA instead (blog lots of days in august). that might be the better option. hopefully i can do it, but i'll so what happens

mood: nothing
listening to: Bratz High School Diaries

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


um... i don't have a lot to say...but here's a list:

- saw DH part 2. i cried. not almost cried, actually tears falling on my face, crying.
- watched half of GoF, almost burst into tears anytime someone did a killing curse or Ron and Harry got into an argument
- had some dreams.

so, the dreams:
-i had another black swan dream... i think. i'm not sure if i was think about my own story or if i was sleep because i was that early in the morning.
-i dueled with Narcissa Malfoy and i swear she was invincible.

and i've decided that i'm definitely doing BEDA, which is good, seeing as it starts in a week and a half.

and as a closer, here's something from my 100 facts tag:

73. i sometimes like to think that maybe snape put up a front for all those years
because maybe after a while he didn’t really hate Harry, but he couldn’t drop the facade because no one would never believe he’d have a change of heart after all those years.

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: nothing D:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


i'll be leaving for florida in 4 days, and i'm not taking my computer, so i decided to write a blog post before i go.
the last time i was here, i was having a slight identity crisis, all caused by a sorting hat quiz sorting me into gryffindor, even though i'm a ravenclaw. now... i'm fine... which is good.
here's somethings i've done
- watched Tron: Legacy (on two separate occasions)
- used that picture frame that's been sitting in my room for who knows how long
- hung up my posters, which have been sitting in my room for who knows how long
- had a dream about Garrett Hedlund that i brought upon myself that i don't want to talk about
- watched some fireworks

and for fun, here's some HP things from my tumblr:

it’s crazy how, in the book, Harry has green eyes and Voldemort has red eyes, and red and green are opposite each other on the six-piece color wheel. it makes sense because they’re opposites of each other.
however, i also find it crazy that in the movie Harry and Voldemort’s eyes are the same color. even though i don’t think it was intentional, i feel like it could be a physical sign of how they’re connected, seeing as Voldemort has Harry’s blood in him.

and more about Harry's eyes

while we're on the subject of Harry's eyes
or rather, while i’m on the subject of Harry’s eyes, how crazy would it be if Voldemort’s eyes really were blue because he had Harry’s blood in him? just imagine seeing your worst enemy rise up in front of you and he has your eyes. like, the only things to you have to remind you of your mom are pictures and the fact that you have the same eye, and now Voldemort has them too.
also, bookwise, the colors of the spells each of them use in the final battle is the color of the other’s eyes.

i hope that was fun for you. i'll be going now. see you when i get back

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: clifford the big red dog

Thursday, June 23, 2011

harry potter-y things and self discovery

so i posted this on tumblr:
"so, i started thinking about my life and it has occurred to me that the people that i’ve been through the most stuff with, had the good times and the bad times with, have dealt with the bullshit with, and consider my closest friends, are fictional characters. i know more about them than i do about most of the people i know IRL. it’s kinda mind blowing. especially when i think about how hard it was for me to even write that. my mind is like “your bffs? fictional? stop playing”."

you know, it never actually occurred to me the impact HP has had on my life until this year. it hit me especially hard when i watched GoF back in april, and i almost cried after Cedric's death, despite rifftrax. i had never noticed how my HP memories blend in with IRL memories like there's no difference, and when it comes to school, my Hogwarts memories outnumber the public school ones.

it's safe to say that i lead a HP appreciation life now.

in other news:
- saw parts of inception again because it was on tv
- watched shutter island again. it's cool to watch it from the perspective of someone who knows the end result
- going to florida for with my family for the first time in 4 years :D
- still didn't finish Batman Begins
- probably gonna watch Tron: Legacy tonight. hopefully...
- had a lucid dream, but can't remember details
- finished PoA
- saw Wicked on broadway

so it looks like this absence was a little more eventful than my last.

mood: okay
listening to:lauradoestheastro
chapter: 4(5?), GoF

Thursday, June 9, 2011


hey guise! i haven't been here in a while. i guess this is time to tell you all what i've done since then:

- upgraded to google chrome
- watched HSM with rifftrax
- watched TDK with rifftrax
- tumbl'd
- saw Black Swan
- saw half of Fight Club
- oh, did i mention i tumbl'd?
so yeah, you'd think i would've done something interesting, but no, i haven't.
some other things ya'll might care about
- watched my first episode of supernatural
- watched episode 5x01 of doctor who, and parts of another episode from that season.
-still didn't finish Batman Begins

no good dreams to report. i think that's all. sorry for my boring-ness, i promise i'll try and make up for it for BEDA 2

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: Ringo no Kimochi- Ringo Musume
chapter: PoA 9 or 10

update: oh yeah, my mom got plane tickets, so we're going to florida :D

Saturday, May 28, 2011


i've been gone for so long because i've had nothing, nothing, to report. so a list for you all:

- had a birthday party
- finally bought something from forever 21
-got the inception app (more on that)
- came to my dad's house
- i've been reblogging for weeks now
- went out to dinner for my aunt's birthday
- inception levels between medium and high

the inception app: oh wow. that thing is crazy. i didn't think it would work because of my headphones, but it works. IT WORKS. and it's super awesome. i'm still trying to a few more dreams and then i'll have most of them (can't unlock the africa dream. i think you can guess why).

see? for being gone for two weeks i've got nothing to report.

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: lifetime movies
chapter: POA chapter 1, Owl Post (i skipped a bit)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

oh bother

let me tell you about something that drives me a little crazy: nounception

nounception isn't a noun within a noun. it's when something is within the same thing and then they call it (insert noun here)ception. like if someone bakes cookies with cookies inside them, someone else might call it cookieception.

if you read my post yesterday, you'll know that inception is NOT a dream within a dream. for some reason, people just won't get it and aaaaaaaaaaah.

so yeah. i'm gonna stop now

mood: muh
listening to: wheezy waiter

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

just a question

so i asked this question on tumblr today:

if inception is a dream within a dream, then what's all the bullshit they do in the dream?

and i really want to know what the people are gonna say. the reason i ask is because of this:

say inception did mean a dream within a dream. in the first 15 minutes of the movie, Cobb proves to Saito that he can do a dream within a dream successfully. why, then, would Saito ask him if inception is possible? that makes no sense.

well, enough of that. now on to the more mundane things:
- went to my dad's house
- saw Thor and Jumping the Broom
- got three fillings
- had a lucid dream, even though i didn't control anything. more on that below.

things i didn't do:
- didn't finish inception
- didn't finish harry potter

the dream: i fell asleep during GHI and i could hear the tv, and i could feel myself going into deeper sleep. i didn't want to have a creepy dream, so i told myself to think of Tom Hardy, and then to think of JGL. both didn't work, so it was just black. worth a try though.

mood: swollen
listening to: wheezy waiter
chapter: SS, chapter 10: halloween

evening updates:
- finished inception
- watching Jurassic Park... maybe. it's on tv, but i might exercise...
- maybe exercise... probably

Thursday, May 12, 2011

insert title here

things i did:

- watched 100 scariest movie moments 100-39(?)
- watched NSA up to part 4

- watched NSA part 4 to 8, extended interviews
- watched 100 scariest movie moments 30-3
- started watching lego hanky potter
- watched another 1/2 hour of inception. got scared a few times, laughed a bit too.
- inception levels medium despite the above

- mom didn't go to work, so were gonna do some stuff... don't know what yet.
- more lego hanky potter, this time with the katherine :D
- inception levels medium low

things i didn't do:
- finish batman begins
- watch community channel (gasp!)
- give up on my diet
- read more Harry Potter, which i really need to do

and that's what i've done since my last post :)

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: wheezy waiter

Monday, May 9, 2011


things i did:
- went to church for mother's day
- reblogged until 11 at night
- inception levels medium

- slept in til 8:30
- ate apple
- am on a diet of not eating outside of meals. i'm gonna be drinking a lot of water, because i don't know how to not eat... i hate being a teenager sometimes, because i eat when i'm bored.
- said i was gonna watch inception today, but i think i'm gonna end up watching something else, like a certain movie i'm supposed to finish.
- inception levels medium low

mood: bleh
listening to: the Colbert Report

Saturday, May 7, 2011


oh hey. things i did:
- went to a flea market thing at my sister's dad's school and bought a bracelet :D
- went to eat with mom
- slept on the couch
- ate a Popsicle at 9 in the morning
- reblog, reblog
- marathoning lesliefoundhergrail videos
- i'm going out. don't know what i'm going just yet.

inception levels low yesterday and today. what is going on? i think there's some sort of strange cycle... does that mean that in a few weeks i'll be thinking about it all the time again?...

that's all. weird how over two days i've done nothing... i think i'll have a bit more to talk about tomorrow.

mood: happy
listening to: lesliefoundhergrail

Thursday, May 5, 2011


hey guys. things i did

- went to the inversand with some geology peeps. since i didn't have a project, i jsut wandered around in the pit looking for some macro fossils. didn't find any, but i got some new rocks.
- started watching Batman Begins after putting it off for at least 2-3 weeks. i'm probably gonna finish it tomorrow. it's good so far, but i liked Maggie Gyllenhaal better as Rachel.
- had another dream with JGL in it. i don't remember much because i couldn't write this earlier, but there were raptors and what not.
- inception levels low. it feels weird that now i don't think about inception outside of reblogging and telling ya'll my inception levels.

that's all for today.

mood- generally happy
listening to- wheezy waiter

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

old youtube for yo ass!

so i keep hearing about all these people complaining about youtube saying they want old youtube back, and i watched hayley's pointless vlog last night, so i'm gonna give ya'll some old youtube, ginny style >:D

i just got into vloggers and what not last summer, so my old youtube experience is old doll movies! you that's right, grainy picture, showing hands, and profanity! here's some links:

Funny Bratz and Barbies part 1. check out part 2 also!

everything by calliz11.

have fun with those!

in other news:
- started cleaning out my other closet because i have way more clothes than i actually wear.
- inception levels still low. this is surprising...
- i found a well photoshopped pic of JGL and Tom Hardy on tumblr... this slash is starting to get to me.
- i'm probably gonna eat grilled cheese

that's all for today. now i'm gonna go back to trolling Jeff Bridges's website :D

mood: i don't really know
listening to: nerimon, word world
book: SS, chapter 9

p.s.: had a dream about inception, can't remember one part of it. fuck me.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


hey guys. just a list:
- took my pre-calc exam. i'm pretty sure i failed, but i've already signed up for pre-calc again.
- reblog, reblog.
- i came home and put a bunch of stuff. you'd think that'd be good, but i'm NOT DONE O_O
- after all of that, i finally got to sit down and read the first 3 chapters of Sorcerer's Stone.
- didn't do anything today. i haven't even eaten yet.

other news:
- i marathoned someone other than community channel
- inception levels still low
- i need a new bookshelf. mine isn't big enough.

that's all for today. i'll you all when something happens...

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: Shutter Island audio review, spongebob

Sunday, May 1, 2011

i didn't think i'd be here today, but

here i am.
and it's not like i'm doing anything interesting. i ate, then came back to my room to spend 2 hours on tumblr while simultaneously watching some of my old videos. nothing special, unless you find it spectacular that i'm not watching communitychannel. but anyway, the really old ones are really bad (as you can guess), with most of them having my sister talking in the background, sometimes even talking to me. they do get points for being so bad they're funny though.

but yeah. inception levels are spectacularly low today, don't know why.

mood: indifferent
listening to: MLaD episode 3: The Party (the best episode from the first half of season one)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

insert witty title here

so today's the last day of BEDA. wow....
anyway, the things i wanna talk about:
- the usual list
- what's next
- other stuff...

1. the things i did today:
- ate a big breakfast... well, big for me, consisting of the marshmallows from the lucky charms, 2.7 hash browns, and an apple. yum yum.
- washed my hair... i don't remember if i washed it earlier this week, so i just did it again anyway.
- started getting my stuff together so i can move out easy on Monday

what's next: i don't want to just disappear after this month just to reappear in August, but i also don't wanna schedule myself when i don't have to, so i think i'm just going to blog whenever i think there's something to say. i don't want to have short posts like before, so maybe i'll just sum things up in at the end of the week or something... maybe. i still have to figure things out.

other news:
- inception levels medium-low
- i've been having this problem a lot in the last week or two. when i go to search for inception stuff to reblog, like memes and nice screenshots, i always come across some slash fanart. now, i have nothing against the people who do this or the art itself or gay people, but aaaaaaaaaah. the anime style stuff isn't so bad, but there are some people who are really good, and the people in the pictures look just like the actors. that's the stuff that freaks me out. and it'll come up totally unexpectedly, like "oh quote about Chris Nolan, funny meme, BOOM sex!" and i'm just like "aaaaaaaaaah". okay, enough of that.
- school's over on Monday, and then summer!!!! i don't know what all is going on though. i think i'm getting a job, and we might be going to Florida, but i'm not sure about all that yet.

that's all for today. looks like i ended BEDA the way i wanted :D

mood: happy
listening to: wheezy waiter

Friday, April 29, 2011


so today is day 29 of BEDA. tomorrow the daily blogging ends until August. i can't believe it's almost done. also funny how the end of BEDA is is two days before my last exam of the year.
i don't really know what to talk about, so i'll do some lists. what i did after i wrote my blog yesterday:
- was the first to finish my historical geo exam. i think i did pretty well, and i tried for some extra credit. don't know if i'll get it because i only half answered the question
- sold a book for 9 dollars, even though i paid at least 60 for it
- watched the first 1 1/2 of inception. ended it early because i've been going to sleep at 8:30 (you'd never believe that i was in college)

the usual news:
- boring class, and i have to go to see if i have a final.
- nothing else, might finish inception, might not... i won't die if i don't (surprisingly)
- ^^^ probably won't and end up watching SMA bloopers of communitychannel, per usual
- inception levels at medium.

something about inception levels: i noticed that my inception levels were at an all time high almost a month after i first watched it, but since then the levels have been really low in comparison, especially after I bought the soundtrack. i think the further i distance myself from actual inception stuff (the movie, the OST), the lower the levels.
of course, there's also the observation that i report my inception levels to ya'll, or the fact that i even think i have inception levels, or that i've been incepted at all. but yeah, that's what i noticed.

so that's all for today. this post ended up longer than i thought it would be, so that's a win, i guess.

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: SMA episode 8

Thursday, April 28, 2011

this is early... again...

yup, i'm back again at an early time to write a blog. i have my first exam soon, and i have to sell back books today, so i'm just gonna write this now, because chances are that i'm gonna lay in bed later.

so today's things... oh wait... i already told you... oh well! in other news:
- inception levels keep fluctuating between medium and high
- gonna finish my SMA marathon, second one this week... yes, i know, but hey, at least it's not community channel
- only one dream i can remember, but it was short and mundane

so yeah, this post is weak compared to yesterday's. sorry bout that. hopefully i can go out with a bang for the last two days of BEDA

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: nothing

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

this is also early

ah, Wednesday, the day i've come to hate the most. even more than Monday. why? because i have tree classes today, and they're all back to back, so once i leave the room at 12:30, i may not get back in until 8. and this stresses me to no end. which is why my Wednesday's posts have come late, early, or during the afternoon as a result of me skipping class. i hate this day, but i'm trucking through today because i've skipped one class twice in a row, and i have to go to see if i'm having a final. so, a pre-cap of today:

- boring class
- historical geo lab, no final, so it's just gonna be the last day of lecture really
- pre-calc for exam studying

so yeah, nothing extra fun today. in other news:

- i slept in this morning
- inception levels at high
- Leonardo DiCaprio's image has showed up in my dreams more than once in the past week. i haven't thought of it much, but the dream i had this morning basically yelled at me to write about it. there's this card game called Match... i have NO idea what it's all about, but it keeps showing up. i think it's based off of a movie that's a remake of an old movie (not real ones, of course), but i haven't seen this movie... so, in my latest dream, i was in a toy store. i think 'd been there before, but i'm not sure... but anyway, i turn around after walking over to these little people toys, i turn around and there's these gigantic posters for the card game... with Leo's face on them. i'm gonna look it all up to see what it might mean...

so that's all for today. hopefully this long post makes up for my last five short boring ones.

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: communitychannel

**evening updates**
- so i skipped my first class
- historical geo was AWESOME
- inception levels still super high

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

almost over

so welcome to day 26 of BEDA. i know, i can't believe it's almost done. i also can't believe that i haven't missed one day of BEDA, eve if it meant sacrificing quality for quantity. i challenged myself and actually followed through for once :)

so today's news:
- more communitychannel
- more reblogging
- no lab final tomorrow :D
- inception levels at high medium... if that makes sense.

so yeah, another boring day pretty much. sorry for all the short posts.

mood: ._.
listening to: communitychannel

Monday, April 25, 2011


so yeah... i've had a pretty boring day again... what's new in my life? nothing, that's what. i'm eve to my old routine of laying in bed and watching communitychannel. i'm a boring person.

in other news:
- reblog
- inception levels at medium

that's all. sorry i suck so much :(

mood: meh
listening to: comuunitychannel

Sunday, April 24, 2011


hello, peoples :)

so just somethings today:

- i went to church and didn't bawl my eyes out like i usually do.
- it's freaking HOT outside O_O
- my hair is actually okay
- inception levels medium today.

that's really all today. hope you all are having a good easter, and sorry i'm so boring.

mood: O-O
listening to: livelavalive

Saturday, April 23, 2011

ginny after dark, pt 3

even though part two isn't named, my post "in a flash" was posted after 9 also.

so today was a good day. went shopping, got to see my cousins, good stuff. unfortunately for you, that means there's not a lot to write about... except my usual list:
- got new rings :)
- got a new daft punk shirt :D
- inception was unusually low

in all, good stuff... that's the second time i said that.

in other news: you guys know that easter is tomorrow, and i've gotta go to church. that's not a bad thing, except that when i go to church sometimes i cry, and i hate crying... oh well.

mood: boring
listening to: wheezywaiter

Friday, April 22, 2011

so today...

first off, damn it Hayley! she led me to this color quiz thing, and she got a perfect score, while i got a 43. that's not bad, but it's not Hayley's perfect 0. >:O

so anyways, today's news:
- Daft Punk ruled my mind, but Inception refused a back seat and took shotgun
- SMA marathon this morning and afternoon, very needed
- finally something good on VH1 tonight.
- i got to come home this weekend :D

that's all for today. i know this is nothing compared to my post yesterday, but you know.

mood: hm
listening to: 100 Most Shocking Music Moments

Thursday, April 21, 2011


so i was reading Hayley's newest blog post when she said something that really struck me. she was talking about how things like BEDA kinda force people to try and be creative, while the results aren't always as such. the reason this really resonated with me is because this is my first ever BEDA (seeing as i've only had this blog since last fall) and this is my basic reality.

another reason that this really spoke to me is because she also mentioned NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), something that i was introduced to last year by Kristina Horner. it's basically what it sounds like: in November, writers use the month to write a 50,000 word novel. i didn't do it last year because it came upon me pretty much by surprise, and also because i'm really not into my own writing abilities. it sounds like fun, but the problem is exactly what Hayley and Kayley said above: it forces you to try to be creative, and the results aren't always the best. i see things like this as a challenge though, because no one has to do NanoWriMo, and everyone knows that you can't write a good book in just a month.

i feel the same way about BEDA: it's a challenge that you take. for me, it's a challenge for my memory. it's not the best, and i'm doing BEDA to challenge myself to remember to do these, and also as a challenge to follow through on something for once. of course, not all of my posts are of the best quality, but i haven't missed one blog this month. i definitely plan on doing Blog Everyday in August as well, and if all goes well, maybe NaNoWriMo will be in order :)

in other news:
inception is especially high today, due to the purchase of the soundtrack

mood: good
listening to: Sid The Science Kid

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

things to do...

so i'm not really doing anything today, and i'm not going to class til tonight, so there are a few things that i could do today:

- finally finish bratz
- watch a movie
- or my usual: lay in bed, reblog, and listen to either audio reviews or communitychannel

the third seems like the most likely, though i'm probably gonna combine 1 and 3. i'm boring today :(

and don't worry, inception is high today also.

mood: hm
listening to: Toy Story 3 review

*evenung updates*
- it was warm, so i walked to places
- i finished bratz, reblogged, and then listened to spill reviews. yup.

listening to- Eclipse review

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

story telling

i finished Phil Plait's book. it was a very good read. it is really interesting to see what some people believe to be real.

one of the things that i really don't get though is astrology. it really amazes me that there are people who think that the planets really influence the way we live our lives. it's funny how things that make sense to some people make absolutely no sense to others.

in other news:
- i'm watching clifford :D
- inception is high today

not much else to say.

mood: muh
listening to: Clifford The Big Red Dog

**evening updates**
- new posts on the story blog

Monday, April 18, 2011


so on my last post, i was all freaked out by something, but it turns out i was WRONG. he's still just Eames D:
so um... that bottom update is just gonna disappear, okay guise?

but anyway, i'm pretty sure nothings gonna happen today, so i'm just gonna tell you some other stuff about yesterday and early this morning.

1. i said that the movie inception was my boyfriend.

2. just so you guys know, i still think inception is real... i just don't know what it's implanted in my brain yet... maybe inception planted inception in my brain... hm...

3. early this morning i had a dream that had Tom Hardy, Christopher Nolan,, and Christian Bale in it. and i was Anne Hathaway... i think... there was a fire, and my family magically appeared in it too... i don't remember much else.

4. i've started tweeting my dreams when they happen,and it's helping me remember them. this is very good for me. :)

that's all as of now. of course, i'll update you guys if something happens later

mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: communitychannel

Sunday, April 17, 2011

the lovely of it all

hello, and welcome to another day of BEDA. today's topics include
- Tron: Legacy
- Inception
- lying
- youtube
so let's get on with it!

1. i watched Tron last night. it was a very emotional experience for me, from the 200 'aaaaaw' moments when there were really only, like, 7 max, to the screaming i did when Tron switched back sides. let me not forget the doom of Castor *shudder* and how they played my three favorite songs from the soundtrack during the end credits and i couldn't move off of the couch until they were comepletely over. i was right in one of my previous posts about how most of the cast would freak me out, and i spent quite a bit of time stranded in the uncanny valley because of the opening scenes. overall, it was an amazing experience, and the movie was wonderful :)

2. yesterday was a exactly one month after i watched inception. i just noticed this a few minutes ago. if you go to my tumblr posts from yesterday, i posted a TON of inception stuff... it's baaaack.

3. this is pretty minor. i said that i was gonna watch batman yesterday and i didn't. if anything, i lied to myself because i was telling myself 'okay, saturday is the day that you're going to watch Batman Begins, and you are GOING to watch it." and Tron got me instead. i mean, it was night time, and i also told myself that i'm only going to watch Tron in complete darkness. it was the perfect environment. but enough of that.

4. so inspired by one of Hayley's posts, i'm gonna give a list of youtubers called "youtubers you can watch for hours on end, and repeatedly, if need be."
- communitychannel
- wheezywaiter
- vlogbrothers
- nerimon
- livelavalive
- hayleyghoover

these are the ones i marathon the most. of course there are tons of amazing youtubers, but these are the videos i watch when i'm just laying in bed looking dumb. and the vlogbrothers videos usually end up teaching you something.

that's all for today. tune in tomorrow for... well, we'll see.

mood: :)
listening to- all mt Bratz songs.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

good day, horrible weather

welcome to day 16 of BEDA, in which i tell you about the good things that happened today:

- i got a sparkly shirt :D
- i got DH part 1 AND Tron: Legacy :D
- i went to the mall :D

in other news: i'm breaking down my inception. all my walls are Harry Potter now, and i've been thinking about TDK and DH for most of the day, with a sprinkling of Tron.

in all, today was a successful day, despite the horrid rain

mood: yay!
listening to: Don't Trust Me- 3OH!3

ps: sorry about the short posts. hopefully i'll find something substantial to talk about later on.

Friday, April 15, 2011

this is early

so after yesterday's breakthrough in thinking, my mind is back to inception. yup. see what i mean about everything going back to inception?

anyways, in today's developments:
- i'm finally washing my clothes
- i'm going home today
- my mom is buying deathly hallows part 1, because it comes out today and my mom supports my magical lifestyle (if only she'd buy me a wand...)
- today is the last day of the DeFranco Nation Movie Club :sadface:
- i think i'm gonna buy the what's her face game. it's only 14 dollars. hopefully i can get it mailed to my mom's house by tomorrow (if i buy it)

funny how i did more in the last few hours than i did in all of yesterday.

in other news: it's Emma Watson's birthday!

mood: happy
listening to: SMA Blooper 10

**evening (i think) updates**
- i posted three new deviations on dA
- inception is definitely back in full capacity. even The Departed leads back to inception. this is my life.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

in a flash

i was in my bed listening to Daft Punk, happy with my productive day of tumblr reblogging when it hit me: i didn't write a blog post yet.

to be honest, i was avoiding it again because i hadn't really done anything. just class and then sitting in my room until dinner. nothing unusually for a Thursday this semester. i can't even be cool like Hayley and tell you what i ate, because i only had one meal.

there is one thing to report though: for the first time in a long time, my mind was occupied by The Departed for at least half of the day. this is a big development for me at this point in my life.

mood: i-diff-er-ent
listening to: Indo Silver Club- Daft Punk

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

everything goes back to inception

because i know that i'll be busy all day, i'm just gonna write this now. here's a precap (oh, snap!) of my day:

- one boring class
- historical geo lab
- maybe some time to relax
- exam in pre-calc
- eat
- sleep

ta-da! but not really. in other news:
i had a dream yesterday that Mitchell Davis made a video with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. i can't remember what it was about, but there were some funny accents.

^^ see? everything leads goes back to inception. this is what my life has come to, watching communitychannel videos and constantly thinking about Leonardo DiCaprio and co. yup.

mood: muuuh
listening to: think about, think real hard.

**late night updates (that prove that everything goes back to inception)**:
- my ipod walls are inception
- my desktop wall is Tom Hardy's face, soon to be another inception wall.
- i've reblogged three pics of Jose.
- i was thinking about it when i wasn't paying attention in my first class.

have i proven my point?

current mood: in-diff-er-ent
listening to: the same thing i was listening to when i first wrote this.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

okay, now we've reached that point

i've been trying to avoid writing a post for as long as possible, because i have nothing to write about. i'll just tell you some stuff i did today.

- got my classes, even thought i got the time and dates confused :0
- went to class (mundane, mundane)
- thought about and did things pertaining to inception
- washed my hair (oh, joy!)
- lied in bed and looked dumb while watching communitychannel

which leads to what i'm doing now: writing this while watching communitychannel. that's it. sorry for the short post, but i was so boring today.

mood: indifferent
listening to: said it above :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

and we've reached that point

in BEDA where the topics get slim. actually, i got to that point that night i blogged about that darn gif. but either way i've got a couple of things to talk about

1. on the topic of my last post: it has come to my attention that Michael Myers does have a motive, though extremely simple. apparently, the reason he keeps killing is because he wants to relive his original murder. even though i've seen Halloween quite a few times, i never caught this. it might have to do with the fact that i tune out Dr. Loomis whenever he starts talking :P

2. Inception. i'm starting to think that it's a real thing, as crazy as that sounds.* i've only watched the movie once, and that was March 17th, almost a month ago. i'm still thinking about that movie everyday, almost all the time. i've tweeted about it more than once in the last few days. it's kinda freaking me out. i think about movies a lot, but hardly ever like this. Harry Potter is the only other thing that dwells on in my mind for this long. i'm just gonna assume that this is a sign of a great movie and move on to the next topic, which is

3. Tron: Legacy (surprised? you shouldn't be.) i've been thinking about this a lot too. this has to do with he fact that i listen to the soundtrack every night. the strange thing isn't that though: it's that i haven't seen the movie. and also, i've come to the conclusion that i'm creeped out by the majority of the cast and that this will hinder me in moving foward to finally seeing this movie... yeah.

so that's all i have for tonight. i think i just proved myself wrong anyway...

mood: good (finally!)
listening to: communitychannel**

*i also wanna blame the posters for furthering the inception. my desktop and ipod both have inception walls. it's in my technology too :0
**yes, i know i've been watching her almost everyday. she's just that good

Sunday, April 10, 2011

you could cut a hoe...

day 10 of BEDA. topic: slashers

not like slashers like people who write slash though... you probably didn't even think of that. but anyway, i'm talking about the fictional movie killers. i was on the ANOES forums and this girl started a discussion asking about the merchandise from other series and she said this about the Friday the 13th series:

"But I think that's one reason why I'd like to see something like HNWJ from Fri 13, is b/c I've always seen the Fri 13 series as mindless chaos, just blood guts, gore and BOOBS and profanity; and Jason just seems so typical to me, big guy wearing a mask killing people *at least Michael was original*"

now, i'm not, like, insulted or anything. as much as i love Jason, i'm not enamored with the F13 series. it just seems like everyone thinks he's just out to kill for no reason, when i know it's not like that at all.

now it's not that it's a misconception, per say, because after he comes back form the end he does become a killing machine, but in the beginning it wasn't really like that. it's inevitable that he'll get compared to Michael because of what Jason becomes after part 4, and then you factor in Leatherface and you'd think you'd have three of the same but (surprise!) you don't.

with classic Michael, it's kind of hard to explain. i can't really tell you why he did what he did, because with the continuity i follow (1, 2, H20, Resurrection), your guess is as good as mine. it really seems like he just kills for no reason, and if he does have a reason, he sure didn't tell any of us. it really seems like there's nothing behind that mask. he's not mindless, but it just seems like there's no one there. remake Michael is more there, for lack of a phrase. he had motivation in the beginning, at least for breaking out of the loony bin. his reason for killing is still lost on me (if there was one). i'm hoping it's not because he feels wronged or something, because that would be quite backwards.

(excuse me if i get a little sappy after this.) on Leatherface's wikipedia page is says that the reason Leatherface doesn't talk and wears a mask is because without the mask, he's nothing. the mask is him. this kinda makes sense when it comes to original Leatherface, i think. i do know that he has a motivation though. the thing is that he doesn't know any better than killing people. he was raised thinking that killing people is okay, whatever you have to do for the family. technically he's just getting by. this goes fr both of them. when it comes down to the mask though, remake Leatherface is a person. he's still himself without the mask on.

now with Jason it's a completely different story. he kills because a) his mom would want him to and b) he feels wronged. in his case he actually was wronged: they almost drowned him. not that that justifies what he does, but at least they did something to him. up until the 4th movie that was his thing. after he came back in the 6th movie it didn't matter because he was a zombie thing anyway. it's the almost exact same thing with remake Jason: they almost killed him and killed his mom (don't know if she was crazy like old Jason's mom), so he started killing them back. he wasn't always a zombie thing, that's just how it turned out.

hopefully i helped you guys see that all killers are not created equally.

p.s.: i'm not gonna get into Freddy and stuff, because he doesn't even fall into the same category.

mood: kinda okay... i guess
listening to: people talk.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

just a recap...

i don't really have anything to talk about really, so i'll just tell you some other stuff...

so first, i stayed up til 3 this morning because my sister had to go to her school for senior trip. after i finally fell asleep, i didn't wake up til 11. i've never slept that late.

second, i had sherbet today :D

that's all... i know this is super short, but i've been too sick to think of anything too hard.

mood: bleh
listening to: wheezy waiter

Friday, April 8, 2011

stuff about a movie i haven't seen yet

so i was randomly thinking about Tron, which is something i do a lot, and i was thinking about all the things Sam did that i could never do. the only problem is that the only things i've seen Sam 'do' are from clips... because i still haven't seen Tron: Legacy yet. but still, from what i've seen he's waaaaaay braver than me, because i'm a wuss :P

like, for starters, when alan tells him he got that page, from what it seems he just goes down to the arcade. i would've had to think about that long and hard. especially because i'm terrified of ghosts. and then after i got zapped there i would've never left the building...

for two, it seems like he'll just talk to ANYONE. i wouldn't talk to anyone. i guess this is partly because most of the people on the Grid freak me out. and having a drink with Castor? i wouldn't take a drink from someone like him. i wouldn't even get close enough to him to talk.

and Clu... just no... like, i would cry.

so yeah... basically, i'd go to the grid and just go to sleep... forever.

mood: sucky because my throat still hurts :(
listening to: communitychannel

Thursday, April 7, 2011

leading men

day 7 of BEDA, and today's topic is dudes :)

so i was on tumblr, and i happened to come across this blog that was obssessed, and i mean OBSESSED, with the cast of inception. the captions on the pictures made me think about crushing on celebs and what not.

now, i do not consider myself a fangirl. not because i'm above it (no one is above being a freak... except maybe Morgan Freeman), but because i don't freak out everytime one of my fave dude actors is on tv or something. not that being a fangirl is a bad thing or anything

i want to like actors because they can act, not just because they're cute. that's my main thing. i used to be that kind of fan, but i'm really trying to move away from that. it feels... shallow, and i don't wanna be shallow like i used to be.

luckily, i have impeccably good taste in 'leading' men, so they're all good actors. this makes my job a lot easier.

moral of the story: i don't want to go crazy again, like i did when i was younger.

in other news, that blog i mentioned in the beginning of the post, that's the one that had to gif of Tom Hardy in all his glory... can't unsee that...

mood: upset that my throat hurts
listening to: nerimon videos

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ginny after dark

welcome to the late night edition of BEDA... and by late night, i mean after 9.

so what to talk about tonight? should i talk about how i watched GoF with the rifftrax? should i talk about some other things i did today? should i mention that i saw a LOT of Tom Hardy? i'll just talk about all of it, i guess.

so first things first, i spent my morning reblogging things on tumblr. i had such fun, and i found two new blogs to follow. lots of nerd jokes and nericoollike pics (and michael aranda. can't forget michael aranda).

second, i watched GoF today for the first time in a looooong tinme, and man, it was great. i actually was on the verge of tears twice watching it this time. most emotional movie watching experience EVAR.

third... i saw Tom Hardy's pene. there, i said it! i seen it, and that was a LOT more than i had been hoping to see... i know, i can't believe it either. damn tumblr gif's

that's all for today. sorry it's so short, but all that stuff is actually productive for a day off for me. at least i didn't lay in bed and listen to spill reviews all day :P

Mood: wanting to sleep
listening to: everybody hates chris

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

obi wan and chicken, domesticated

welcome to day 5 of BEDA. today i regret to inform you that i'm not going to bitch about Silk Spectre II and Dr. Manhattan. i'm actually feeling decent today, so i don't want to be negative.

so anyway, the thing that i do want to talk about is Bad Astronomy. i got lucky and came across Phil Plait's book when i was looking for pretty pictures books of space stuff, and boy am i glad that i picked it up. this book is opening my eyes to how much the general public doesn't know about science in general, let alone specifics.

its funny though. the first chapter in part 1 of the book is about people balancing eggs on the first day of spring. i have never heard of this before, and i my first thought was 'wtf? why would someone do that?". but there are people that belive that there's something about the gravity because of the earth's alignment of the sun, but really? it still makes no sense. it's just amazing what some people don't know about the mechanisms of their own world.

the third chapter of part 1 mentions Han Solo talking about how he can make a race in 12 parsecs when parsecs are a distance measurment, not a time measurment. that's alos a really cool part. Phil lays out all these sayings that that have been twisted. let's just say that i'll never use light-years the wrong way :)

a little short today, but that's okay.

mood: in-diff-er-ent *patrick voice*
listened to: Jane Eyre review

Monday, April 4, 2011


hello everyone, and welcome to the fourth installment of blog everyday in april. today's topic: :(

but not really. i do feel like crap, but i'm not gonna bother you all with that. no dreams to relay that i can think of, so i'm gonna talk about disney channel.

so as you all might know, shows on the disney channel have taken a turn for the worse ever since that's so raven ended. i think i can trace it back to the start of the problem: Hannah Montana. now here's the problem: when that show started, it was new and different, not to mention the fact that the first season and a half was actually funny. maybe i shouldn't blame it all on Hannah and co. i think the problem really started all these other shows came on and copied Hannah's comedy and delivery. because of that, things got old fast.

now, there was a time that i really wanted to like these shows and movies, but as time went on and the quality went down, i just gave up. there are times where i still wish i could like these shows, but i just shake my head and go watch something on Nick Jr. it really bothers me that i can't even praise these shows and actors without mentioning their downfalls. i hate it, but it's inevitable.

now after all that, there are some things from disney channel that i do like HSM 3 is the best disney channel movie. there are people who actually can act and sing, like Zac Efron and Demi Lovato (respectively... even though Zac's got singing chops too). it's just that they make people who are good at one thing cross over into the other. almost everyone who is a main character in a tv show is also a singer, and everyone who sings is on a tv show. like, it's fine with Miley, because that's the whole point of Hannah Montana in the first place, but did Brigit Mendler need to sing anything? no. and on the other side you have the Jonas Bros. who are phenomenal singers, IMO, who can't act for shit. why do they have their own tv show? it just makes no sense to me.

and what makes me laugh is that the shows on abc family aren't really any different, but i'm not even gonna get into that. let's just say that i finally saw the light halfway through the second season of Secret Life, and even that was too long.

okay... i'm gonna stop being a bitch now :)

mood: my hips hurt... is that a mood?
listened to: Catfish review, Eat, Pray, Love review.
possible next topic: me bitching about the characters of Watchmen... maybe.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

more stuff.

not a lot to say today.

so i was watching a movie that had Jeff Bridges in it from the 80's, and i had tweeted that he wasn't as creepy looking as the cg 80's Jeff Bridges from Tron: Legacy. but then i started to watch the movie more... and look at him more... and i got totally creeped out again. turns out that young Jeff Bridges just freaks me out. can't figure out why though... i guess i'll just have to blame the uncanny valley for ruining it for me. doesn't help that he tried to kill Glenn Close in the movie

but still... he's not as creepy as Castor... *shudder*

Mood: creeped again...
Listening to: communitychannel videos :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

blog every day in april...

ah! or something like that...

i'm attempting BEDA. i have a feeling it means there will be short posts again (after i got rid of them all!), but yeah, wutevs.

first things first... i had a dream about Franklin, like the tv show. i'm sleeping on the couch in the living room this weekend because i want to wake up and watch cartoons (bluuuue's cluuuuues). Franklin was on and it was some episode about a submarine or something. in the dream they had, like, an actual submarine. it was weird, but normal compared to some other dreams i've had. at least i can remember it.

second things... you get it... you know how abc family likes to have movie marathons? sometimes they're good... like REALLY good, like Harry Potter weekends and the disney movies and such. today though, as if to cancel out all the good of them playing Monsters Inc. tonight, they're having a Bring It On marathon. if you aren't familiar with abc family, it means they play every bring it on movie except the first one, which is really the only good one. it got me thinking about how the sequels kinda lost the original purpose of the first movie. like, the first one isn't the best movie, or even a great comedy, but it was a decent satire of competitive cheerleading . as they started making sequels, it just turned into 'white girl's team verses black girl's team, black girls make white girl see what cheerleading is really about'. add that to the steadily falling quality of acting and comedy, and you've got some shitty movies. the only one that did something a little original was the latest one, even if it is just another romeo and juliet story. either way, the moral of the story is, abc family needs to have more disney movie marathons and STOP with the shitty teen dramas. seriously.

Mood: hm...
Listening to: community channel videos :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

man, i'm on a roll

two posts within three days? oh yeah...

so first, i've been looking at my old notebooks, reading through poorly written stories of my past. and they are VERY poorly written. these are the kind of things that made me realise that i'm not a writer and that i probably never will be. and i wrote some crazy stuff too... like, i have one story where a guy is dating two guys and tried to get another guy to date him too. like seriously... but yeah, what can you do?

even so, it's funny to see all the stories that i started writing that i never finished. i even tried to write a weird HP fanfic... i have no idea where it was going (probably because i wrote it 2 years ago). also found the first drafts of the HSM i mentioned above. somehow, they're worse than the second drafts i posted to the one decent thing i found was part of this series that i wrote (never finished, what's new) based on the Georgia Nicholson series. it's pretty good until it gets to the part where the main character thinks she's psychic, but even so, it's still okay. the other somewhat decent thing that's in that book is this 'horror' anthology that i started last year based on urban legends. i need to read through them again to make sure they really don't suck :P

also found some other random stuff like the script to the first two episodes of MLaD, a weird twilight thingy, and a very strange take on alice in wonderland involving drugs, a weirdo hippy and some creeps.

now you might think that i'll end this with something about how the past shapes the future blar blar, but i'm no vlog brother, so i'm gonna end it there.

(warning: i'm gonna delete A LOT of my old posts, because i want to do clean up :P )

Mood: semi-nostalgic, cleany... if that makes sense...
Listed to: The Town review, then Secreteriat review

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

dreamy :P

this morning i had a dream where i was holding hands with Brad Pitt :D i still have no idea what i was doing there, but still. the weird part is that after that i was getting a milkshake from McDonald's, and i couldn't hold it right :/
i was looking at my new year's post, and man i felt like a bitch. like, really, i just said the same old spiel that everyone says when they know they can't keep a resolution themselves. while it is true that most people are like "i wanna lose weight!" and they can't, it's not like i'm any better for calling them out on it.
random crap: you know that whole "if a tree falls in the woods..." thing? who came up with that? i was thinking about it yesterday, and it doesn't work that way. it's not like emotions, where you can't have joy with out pain and stuff like that. the tree makes a sound whether you can hear it or not. it's the same way if you put a bunch of people in space to hear an explosion, they aren't gonna hear it. and how can there be no one around to hear it? no animals? none? where is this tree?
overall enthusiasm, yeeeeeee haaaaaaaaw :P

Thursday, March 10, 2011

baby names

so, I had an interesting dream last night, and i actually remember what it was about. me and my sister were in this mall (I've had dreams about if before) and I was pregnant. we were looking for something, but I can' remember what... anyway, for some reason there was a dog sitting place in the middle of the mall, and while one of the dogs was just laying there, there was another dog that was kind of scary. I think it tried to bite me. on twitter, I asked my friend Veronica what it meant, and she said it means I have an idea that needs to get out. I'm just gonna take her word for it.
that dream got me thinking about baby names. I'm not the kind of person who likes to think to far into the future, but when I see pretty names, I do take note of them. the thing about it is that I only have a few names that like, and they're all girl names. what if I have a boy?
for some reason, I have this weird idea that if you name a kid after a character or a famous person, they'll end up just like that person. like, if you name your son after Kevin Jonas, he'll be a good singer and a kick-ass guitarist, but I'd you name him after Kevin Flynn, he'll be an extraordinary nerd. I don't know why I think this, but that's how if is, and it's really hindering my search for the name of my future-maybe son. I mean, Jason, Fredrick, Michael, and Thomas are already off the list, on the off chance these names might cause him to be a psychopath. on the other hand, with girl names, I don't have this problem. There's no "should we name her after Natalie Portman?" stuff. It's just Madeliene, Madison, Martina, DONE. there's also the problem of making sure my kid won't get picked on in school. that kinda rules out some book names, especially Harry Potter names. I'm also staying away from foreign names as first names, because, you know, if my kid has a Japanese name, they're expecting at least one Japanese parent or grandparent. chances are that my husband or baby daddy or whatever will probably be white (biracial baby ftw?), so I'm not naming my son Carlos. in short, it's hard to name a baby. good thing I have time to figure this out.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

this is important

to anyone who reads this:

this video states some really good reasons as to why Twilight is a no-go

here's the link: x

it's really a good video, and it really makes you think

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Anya Marina, quit your yabberin'

is what i said to my ipod as i was getting up this morning.
i haven't posted in a long time, and i've just noticed that this is the first blog of the new year (confetti, horn noise, party hat). i feel... behind. let's see what i've done while i've been gone

  • had an amazing christmas: i got everything i wanted (graphics tablet, ipod touch, camera) and more (wolfy hat!)
  • amazing new years: i watched Shutter Island, Se7en, and three ANOES movies all in one day. best new year's ever.
  • kept a "promise" to myself: i've been saying shall at least once a day :D
  • Nancy Drew: yes, i'm addicted. i need to get uncreeped! (still reeling form the growling on the moor incident)
  • did shows: i filmed MLaD in time for break. i still need to upload the last episode.
  • did vlogs: i did two as soon as i came home from break, but after that i didn't do ANYTHING until thursday (1/6) when i decided to make a short film.
  • made predictions: no, i'm not psychic. the predictions were on the fate of some horror films and sequels this year. it doesn't look too bright, but the light is there
  • wondered what the first ANOES is a metaphor for: there might be another blog on that.
  • started a tumblr: like i need another blog. it's just for my version of post secret

i think that's everything.

one thing i've been wondering about lately is the point of the new year's resolution. it just seems like an excuse to make a promise you can't keep, so you can brag about it to your friends. not that there are people that actually do keep their resolutions, but there are soooo many people that say 'yeah, i'm gonna give up sweets and drop that ten pounds!' but by Martin Luther King Day, they're back minching on snickers. that's why i set attainable goals. my new year's resolution was to buy more movies, and i bought one on NYD. resolution complete. maybe i'm being cynical, but yeah.


it's consecration month now, and this week is the first fast. that means no carbonated or caffinated beverages, no read meat, no nicotine, and no cursing music. for me it means "do what you always do, but no root beer with the popcorn." i've been deprived of Ke$ha,Lady Gaga, and rap all week, but i still have Daft Punk, and J-Pop, so i'm good in that area. i'm not sure what next week's fast is yet.


i want to start the annual Harry Potter read through soon, but i have to wait til January is over. i'm thinking that it might have to wait til May, but i don't wanna push it back that far, because the end of the HP read through signals the beginning of the Gerogia Nicholson read through and i might have to get a job this summer. it's times like this when i wish for the simplicity of high school, because i just read during class back then.


that's all i have to say today. i shall see you... when stuff happens.